Weekly Review on March 7th Saturday.
We’re going to cover what we’ve learnt from Monday to Friday and meet one more new episode in each expression.
Listen to posh accent and recall you have learnt and repeat after me.
This will be the best way to spend your weekend.

2020.03.02.월 I put something first. 내게 가장 중요한 것은 something이다.
A: 결혼생활에 문제 있어?
Do you have any problem in your marriage life?
Do you have a problem in your marriage life?
B: 꼭 그렇지 않아요. 그런데 인정하기 싫지만,
Not really but I don’t want to admit,
남편이 돈을 우선시해요.
but my husband put money first.
A: 그들이 다양한 자선 단체에 후한 기부를 했대.
They made great contributions to the various charities.
They made generous donations to various charities
B: 그들은 항상 다른 사람들을 우선적으로 생각하더라고.
They always put others first.
They always put others first.
2020.03.03.화 You can get the most out of it. 너는 그걸 최대한으로 활용할 수 있어.
A: 우리 런던에 하루만 있잔아.
We stay only one day in London.
We are only in London for a day.
B: 그래. 그럼 최대한으로 놀아야지.
Yes, we should get the most out of it.
Okay, let’s get the most out of it.
2020.03.04.수 You made a good point. 좋은 지적이야.
A: 의장님 점심 시간이 너무 짧아요.
Mr. Chair, lunch break is too short.
우리는 2시간의 점심시간이 필요합니다.
We need a 2-hour lunch break.
B: 좋은 지적입니다. 의견을 반영하겠습니다.
You made a good poin. I will reflect your opinion.
A: 우리는 지구를 지켜야 합니다.
We have to protect the earth.
We need to save the planet.
B: 좋은 지적입니다.
You made a good point.
You made a good point.
그러나 문제는 어떻게 하느냐죠?
But the problem is how.
But the question is how.
2020.03.05.목 We don’t see eye to eye. 우리는 의견이 안 맞아.
A: 저는 팀 협력이 중요하다고 생각해요.
I think team work is important.
I think team cooperation is important.
B: 그러나 김씨는 동료들과 의견이 잘 안 맞아요.
Mr. Kim doesn’t see eye to eye with others.
Mr. Kim doesn’t see eye to eye with his coworker.
A: 나는 항상 엄마랑 의견이 맞는 건 아니야.
I don’t always see eye to eye with my mother
2020.03.05.금 Don’t throw a spanner in the works.계획을 망치지 말아줘.
A: 퇴근하고 약속이 있는데
I have plans after work
I have plans after work
매니저는 내가 야근하길 원합니다.
but the mananger wants me to work late.
but my mananger wants me to work overtime.
B: 그건 완전 계획 망치는 거네 will.
That’ll really throw a spanner in the works.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review 2020.03.02 ~ 2020.03.06