This is 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
The program you can learn British accent with me.
Today is Tuesday the 10th of March, a perfect day to study and it's time to hit the books.
Learn posh accent with me and read out loud so that you can speak English with many people in different situations
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.

more than welcome 환영받는 것 이상의
=>얼마든지 환영받는다
more than welcome to [동사]하는 걸 얼마든지 환영받는다 => 얼마든지 ~해도 돼
A: 얼마든지 노래를 따라 부르셔도 됩니다.
You are more than welcome to sing along.
You are more than welcome to sing along.
B: 좋은 영화관이네.
It’s such a good theater.
It’s such a nice cinema.
* cinema 극장;영화관(영국영어)
* theater (영) 연극하는 곳, (미) 극장;영화관
* movie theater 영화관(미국)
A: 교수님 수업 중에 먹어도 되나요?
Professor, can I eat in the middle of class?
Sir, are we allowed to eat in class?
B: 얼마든지 먹어도 된단다.
You are more than welcome to eat.
You are more than welcome to eat your food.
[문장 완성 게임]
너가 학생이라면,
If you are a student,
If you are a student,
얼마든지 참여해도 돼
you are more than welcome to participate in.
you are more than welcome to join in.
너가 가는 것이 행복하다면,
If you are happy to go there,
If you are happy to go,
얼마든지 거기 가도 돼
you are more than welcome to go there.
you are more than welcome to go there.
설령 너가 놀기를 원치 않더라도(가정)
Even if you don’t want to play,
Even if you don’t want to play,
얼마든지 여기 방문해도 돼
You are more than welcome to visit here
You are more than welcome to visit here
* play: 아이들이 놀 때
* hang out: 10대 청소년이나 어른들이 놀 때
[Speak LIke a Brit]
얼마든지 노래를 따라부르셔도 돼요
You are more than welcome to sing along
가사를 안다면,
if you know the words.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You are more than welcome to ~ 얼마든지 ~해도 돼
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