You are listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio, Friday the 13th of March.
Today is Friday the 13th, but don’t worry. It’ll be a lucky day for you..
It’s time to hit the books, listen to posh accent wiht me, and read out loud, so that you can speak English with many people in different situations. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.

** stuff (명)것 (가르키는 사물의 이름을 모르거나 별로 중요하지 않을 때)
** stuffed (형) 배가 부른 (배 안에 빽빽히 가득 들어가 있는 상태)
A: 밥 한그릇 더하지, 그러니?
How about another bowl of rice?
How about a second helping of rice?
B: 감사합니다만 괜찮아요. 배가 너무 부르네요.
Thanks, but that’s enough. I’m stuffed.
No thank you. I’m stuffed.
** helping (명) 한 그릇; 일인분
A: 난 배불러. 난 그냥 샐러드만 시킬께.
I’m stuffed. I’m just ordering a dish of salad.
I’m stuffed. I would just order a salad.
B: 그런데 넌 점심도 안 먹었잖아.
But you haven’t had lunch, either.
But you didn’t have lunch, either.
어디 아프니?
Are you sick?
Are you sick?
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
나 배부를 때, 그만 먹어.
I stop eating when I’m stuffed.
I stop when I’m stuffed.
난 배고플 때 먹고, 배부를 때 그만 먹어
I eat when I’m hungry and I stop when I’m stuffed.
I eat when I’m hungry and I stop when I’m stuffed.
난 그냥 피자 한 조각을 먹은 다음 배부른 척 해
I pretend to be stuffed after eating a slice of pizza.
I pretend I’m stuffed after eating just one slice of pizza.
난 배가 부를지라도(가정) 난 내 식사가 끝날 때까지 계속 먹어
I keep eating until my meal is over, even if I’m stuffed.
Even if I’m stuffed, I keep eating until I’ve finished my meal.
[Speak Like a Brit]
B: 죄송합니다만, 저는 배가 너무 불러요.
I’m sorry but I’m stuffed.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I'm stuffed. 너무 배불러요.
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