You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Friday the 24th of April.
Any special plans for the weekend?
Before you make plans, make sure you study English with me.
Listen to posh accent and read out loud.
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** rubbish 쓰레기(명사); 형편없는; 쓸데없는; 말도 안 되는
(우리나라의 “쓰레기 같은”의미는 아님, 친한 친구들 사이에서만)
A: I made a cake with a leftover of pickle juice.
먹다 남은 피클 국물로 케이크를 만들었어.
B: That’s rubbish.
그건 별로지.
A: 그녀에 대한 소문들이 있어.
There are rumours about her.
There are rumours about her.
B: 나도 그녀의 왼쪽 얼굴에 주름이 더 많다는 사실을 알아.
I also know that there are more wrinkles on her left face.
I also know the fact that she has more wrinkles on the left side.
그건 별로네.
That’s rubbish.
That’s rubbish.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
비행기에서 전화기를 잃어버렸어요.
I lost my phone on the plane.
I lost my phone on the aeroplane.
완전 망친 하루네요.
That’s a rubbish day.
What’s a rubbish day.
솔직해지는 건 to be honest 별로 인 거 같아.
I think getting honest is rubbish.
I think that’s rubbish to be honest.
누군가가 별로 라고 하면 그에게 이유를 물어봐.
Ask someone if he/she says that’s rubbish.
Ask him why when someone says that’s rubbish.
( ) 그에게 가능한한 많이 질문해.
Ask him why as much as possible
Ask him questions as much as possible
(누군가가 ‘별로’ 라고 하면)
when someone says that’s rubbish.
when someone says that’s rubbish.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: I made a soup with a leftover of herb oil.
먹다 남은 허브오일로 수프를 만들었어.
B: That’s bloody rubbish.
그건 진짜 별루네.
A: There are rumours about her house.
그녀의 집에 대한 소문들이 있어.
B: I also know the fact that there more bathrooms than bedrooms.
나도 화장실이 방보다 더 많다는 사실을 알고 있어.
That’s rubbush.
그건 별루네.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 That’s rubbish. 그건 별로네.
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