Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Thursday the 23rd of April.
I reckon you burnt the midnight oil but it’s time to learn posh accent with me.
Wake up, listen carefully, and speak out loud, which are the easiest and fastest way to speak like a native.
For your information, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly is on the market.
Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Thursday the 23rd of April.
I reckon you burnt the midnight oil but it’s time to learn posh accent with me.
Wake up, listen carefully, and speak out loud, which are the easiest and fastest way to speak like a native.
For your information, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly is on the market.

** coy; 내숭을 떠는 pretending to be shy
** acting coy 내숭을 떨다
** stop acting coy 내숭 좀 그만 떨어.
** 상황: 주로 여자에게 사용, 남자에게는 stop pretending이 자연스러움
A: 그의 관심을 끌려고 하는 거니?
Are you trying to attract his attention?
Are you trying to attract his attention?
내숭 좀 그만 떨어.
Stop acting coy.
Stop acting coy.
B: 무슨 말 하는지 모르겠어.
I don’t know what you’re saying.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
A: 자, 내숭 좀 그만 떨지
Well, stop acting coy.
Now, stop acting coy.
너가 이거 먹고 싶다는 거 나 알고 있어
I know you want to eat this.
I know you want to eat this.
B: 나 진짜 배불러. 사실 에피타이저를 많이 먹었거든
I’m really stuffed. In fact, I ate an appetizer a lot.
I’m really stuffed. In fact, I had a lot of starter.
**starter: a small dish served for as the first part of the meal
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
너는 뭐가 잘 못 됐는지 아주 잘 알고 있으니깐,
You know very well what was wrong,
You know very well what is wrong,
내숭 떨지마
so stop acting coy.
so stop acting coy.
너는 어떻게 되어가고 있는지 아주 잘 알고 있으니깐,
You know very well what’s going on,
You know very well what’s going on,
내숭 떨지마
so stop acting coy.
so stop acting coy.
내숭 그만 떨고, 요점만 말해
Stop acting coy, and just tell me the point.
Stop acting coy, and get to the point.
내숭 그만 떨고, 나에게 말할 때는 요점만 말해다오
Stop acting coy, and get to the point when you tell me.
Stop acting coy, and get to the point when you talk to me.
** get/come to the point; they start talking about the thing that’s most important to them
나는 니가 지금과 이전 상황을 안다고 보니깐,
I guess you know the both current and previous situation,
I assume you know the siutation now and the previous situation,
그렇게 내숭 떨지마
so stop acting coy like that.
so stop acting coy.
[Speak like a Brit]
A: 후보자들의 관심을 끌려고 하는 거니?
Are you trying to attract the candidates?
내숭 좀 그만 떨어.
Stop acting coy.
B: 무슨 말을 하는지 도무지 모르겠어.
I really don’t know what you’re talking about.
A: 이제 내숭 좀 그만 떨어.
Stop acting coy.
네가 여기서 이 샌드위치 먹고 싶어 하는 거 알고 있어
I know you want to eat this sandwich here.
B: 배불러, 배불러. 사실은 아침을 많이 먹었어
I’m really stuffed. In fact, I had a big breakfast.
20.03.13.금 I'm stuffed. 너무 배불러요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You are listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio, Friday the 13th of March. Today is Friday the 13th, but don’t worry. It’ll be a lucky day for you.. It’s time to hit the books, listen t..
** a big breakfast; a large breakfast that includes eggs, meats, toasts, coffee or tea.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Stop acting coy. 내숭 좀 그만 떨어.
'2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
20.04.27.월 I'm supposed to ~. 나는 ~ 하기로 되어 있다. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.04.27 |
20.04.24.금 That’s rubbish. 그건 별로네. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.04.24 |
20.04.22.수 He has been around. 그는 세상 물정에 밝아. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.04.22 |
20.04.21.화 I'll take that as a compliment. 그 말 칭찬으로 받아들일게요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.04.21 |
20.04.20.월 Are you saying that ~? ~라는 말인가요? 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.04.20 |