Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 27th of April.
Monday here is again.
What are you looking forward to this week?
Something New?
Continuing something you’ve aleady started?
I’m sure it’ll be studying English with me.
Listen to posh accent and speak out loud with me
Brilliant, isn’t it?

** suppose 생각하다; 추정하다
** be supposed to ~ 하는 것이 생각되다;추정되다.~하기로 되어 있다.
** 약간의 의무 + 상대방에 대한 배려
=> must/have to 보다 순화된 표현
A: 공항에서 아빠를 만나기로 했어.
I’m supposed to meet my dad at the airport.
I’m supposed to meet my dad at the airport.
B: 그거 어디서 많이 듣던 소린데.
It sounds common.
It sounds familiar.
A: 세상에나, 나 학교 늦었어.
Crikey! I’m late for school.
Oh my gosh! I’m late for school.
B: 사랑하는 내 딸!
My lovely daughter!
My lovely daughter!
몇시까지 거기 가야 하는데? Until what time are you supposed to be there?
——-What tiem are you supposed to be there?
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
나는 ( ) 아침 6시에 일어나기로 되어 있었어.
I was supposed to get up at 6 am in the morning.
I was supposed to get up at 6 am
(아이들을 위한 간식을 사기 위해)
to buy some snacks for kids
to get snacks for the kids.
담배는 ( ) 밖에서 피우도록 되어 있어요.
You’re supposed to smoke outside
You’re supposed to smoke outside
(병원에서 멀리 떨어진)
far away from the hospital.
far from the hospital building.
이번 주말에 날씨가 절대적으로 좋다고 되어 있네요.
It’s supposed to be a extremely good weather this weekend.
Weather is supposed to be absolutley gorgeous this weekend.
A: 나는 아빠를 처음으로 만나기로 되어 있어요
I’m supposed to meet my dad for the first time.
B: 아~ 그거 이상하게 들린다.
It sounds weird.
A: 세상에나! 파티에 늦었어요.
Oh my gosh! I’m late for the party.
B: 사랑하는 친구야! 저녁을 몇시에 먹기로 되어 있니?
My lovely friend! What time are you supposed to have dinner?
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I'm supposed to ~. 나는 ~ 하기로 되어 있다.
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