Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Tuesday the 5th of May.
Happy Children’s Day!
On the first of May 1923, Children’s book writer 방정환 wrote a letter.
An open letter to adults that calls on people to treat children with respect.
So, kids! have a fantastic day today but make sure you listen to the show and read out loud.
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.

** lower 낮추다(타동사)
A: 도서관 안에서는 목소리 좀 낮춰주세요.
Please lower your voice in the llibrary.
Please lower your voice in the library.
B: 제가 왜 그래야 하죠?
Why should I do that?
Why shoudl I?
여기선 자유롭게 말해도 된다구요.
I can speak freely here.
We are allowed to speak freely here.
** freely 자유롭게 without being controlled or limited.
A: 이거 보세요. 제가 주문한 거 이게 아니잖아요.
Look, this is not what I ordered.
Look, this is not what I ordered.
B: 목소리 좀 줄여주세요.
Please lower your voice.
Please lower your voice.
소리 지른 것으론 누구도 설득하지 못합니다.
You can’t persuade anyone by shouting
You won’t convince anyone by shouting.
** convince (어떤 것을 믿도록) 설득하다
** persuade (어떤 것을 행동하도록) 설득하다
[문장 완성 응응 게임]
( )목소리 좀 낮춰주시겠어요?
Could you please lower your voice?
Could you please lower your voice?
(제가 두 아이가 있어서 그러는데)
because I have two children.
because I have got two little kids.
(<->Could you speak louder? Can you raise your voice?)
( ) 넌 목소리를 낮추지 않아돼.
You don’t need to lower your voice
You haven’t got to lower your voice
(너가 그걸 말할 때,)
when you say it.
when you say that.
( )그렇다고 너가 목소리를 낮춰야하는 건 아니야.
It doens’t mean that you’ve got to lower your voice
That doens’tmean that you should lower your voice
혹시 그게 부자연스럽게 들린다고 해서, just in case it sounds unnatural.
if it sounds unnatural.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 상점에서는 목소리를 낮춰주세요.
Please lower your voice in the store.
B: 죄송하지만, 여기서 우리는 자유롭게 말해도 됩니다.
Sorry, but we are allowed to speak freely here.
A: 이거 보세요. 제가 기대했던 건 이게 아니잖아요.
Look. This is not what I expected.
B: 목소리 좀 줄여주시죠.
Please lower your voice.
논쟁으로 누구도 설득할 수 없습니다.
You won’t convince anyone by arguing.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Please lower your voice. 목소리 좀 낮춰주세요.
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