Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Thursday the 7th of May.
I reckon you burnt the midnight oil but it’s time to learn posh accent with me.
Wake up!
Listen carefully and speak out loud which are the easiest and fastest way to speak like a Brit
FYI, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.
좋지 않은 쪽으로 자신과 맞지 않을 때,
** beneath (수준 등이) ~ 보다 못한 (전치사)
A: 지난 번에 나보다 수준이 낮은 선수와 싸워서
I fought with the player who was beneath me last time,
I fought a guy that was beneath me last time.
지금은 수준 높은 선수를 원해.and I want the higher one now.
so I want someone higher now.
B: 시도해볼 만해.
It’s worth a try
It’s worth a try
근데 기회는 한번 뿐이라는 걸 명심하렴.
but keep in mind that you have only single chance.
but keep in mind there is only one chance.
20.04.13.월 It's worth a try. 시도해 볼 만해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Monday the 13th of April. Are you sttuggling to beat the Monday blues? Here is your dose of motivation and excitement of your daily work sch..
A: 학교 생활은 어땠어?
How was your campus life?
How was school life?
B: 글쎄, 학교 생활은 내 수준 이하였지만,
Well, it was beneath me
Well, school was beneath me
친구들과 놀기에는 좋은 곳이었어.
but it was a good place to hang out with friends.
but it was a good place for hanging out with friends.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
나는 그건 내 수준 이하라고 생각해.
I think it is beneath me.
I think it is beneath me.
나는 그렇게 나쁜 아이들과 친하게 지내는 것은 내 수준이라고 생각합니다.
I think it is beneath me to get along with such bad kids.
I think it is beneath me to keep company with such bad children.
** keep company with
1) 친하게 지내다 associate with people
2) ~에게 구혼하다; (결혼상대로 누구랑) 사귀다 have a social or romantic relationship with
나는 그것이 내 수준이하라고 느꼈습니다.
I felt that it was beneath me.
I felt that it was beneath me.
나는 내 수준이라고 느꼈기 때문에 내 첫 직장을 그만뒀어.
I quit my first job because I felt that it was beneath me.
I quit my first job because I felt that it was beneath me.
그렇게 하는 것은 내 수준이하야.
It is beneath me to do so.
It is beneath me to do so.
너의 어리석음에 응답하는 것은 내 수준이하이기 때문에 이번이 마지막이야.
This is the last time I respond to your stupidity because it is beneath me to do so.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 지난 번에 내 수준이하의 남자를 만났으니, 지금은 예의있는 누군가를 만나고 싶어.
I met a guy that was beneath me last time so I want to meet someone with manners now.
B: 시도해볼만 하다. 기회는 한번 뿐이라는 걸 기억하렴.
It’s worth a try but remember that there is only one chance.
A: 런던 여행은 어땠나요?
How was your trip to London?
B: 글쎄, 서비스는 내 수준이하였어. 그러나 가족과 놀기에는 좋은 곳이었어.
Well, the service was beneath me but it was a good place to hanging out with my family.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr It is beneath me. 그건 내 수준 이하야.
'2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
20.05.12.화 There’s no need to~ 할 필요가 없어요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.05.12 |
20.05.08.금 I take my hat off to you. 당신에게 존경을 표합니다. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.05.08 |
20.05.06.수 That's mint! 완전 멋진데! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.05.06 |
20.05.05.화 Please lower your voice. 목소리 좀 낮춰주세요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.05.05 |
20.05.04.월 Let me sleep on it. 곰곰히 생각해 볼게요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.05.04 |