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2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

20.07.20.월 All you have to do is do it. 넌 그것을 하기만 하면 돼. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.

by Namaskara 2022. 7. 20.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio
Today is Monday the 20th of July.
Starting a work week off right away can make the difference in your entire week.
Make it easier on yourself by preparing yourself for it.
This week, I’m sure you have fun with me.
So, just listen to the show

해야할 범위를 정해서, 상대방에서 알려줄 때?

** All you have to do is 너는 ~하기만 하면 돼
** All you have to do is + [to 부정사]
** All you have to do is + [동사]

A: 우리 회사는 그 프로젝트를 중단합니다.
Our company is going to stop the project.
Our company is going to pull the plug on the project.
기다리면서 지켜보기만 하면 됩니다.
All you have to do is wait and see.
All you have to do is wait and see.
B:만세! 차 한잔 합시다.
Good! Let’s have a cup of tea.
Hurray! Let’s have a cup of tea.

** pull the plug on 전기를 뽑다
=> (어떤 사업/계획을 더 이상 지원하지 않음으로써) 중단하다.
=> (생명유지 장치를) 떼어내다

A: 아빠, 또 반찬투정을 시작하셨네요.
Dad, you started 반찬투정 again.
Dad, you started being picky with food again.
엄마한테 사과하세요
Please apologize to mum
Say sorry to mum.
B: 그럴거야.
I will
I will
우리는 이제 엄마가 집에서 준비하는 걸 먹기만 하면 돼
Now all we have to do is eat what mum has prepared at home
Now all we have to do is eat what she prepares at home.

[문장 완성 응용 게임]
너는 11월에 출간될 예정인 그 책을 읽기만 하면 돼.
All you have to do is read the book that is to be released in November.
All you have to do is read the book that is set to relasese in November.

너는 그 영화를 보고
All you have to do is watch the movie
All you have to do is watch the film
너가 배운 것을 1000단어로 요약해서 쓰기만 하면 돼
and summarize what you learnt in 1,000 words.
and write 1,000 word summary of what you’ve learnt.

너는 그 가게에서 돈을 쓰기만 하면 될 것 같애.
I think all you have to do is spend money at the store.
I think all you have to do is spend money at the store.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 우리 회사는 기금을 중단합니다.
Our company is going to pull the plug on the funds.
지켜보시기만 하면 됩니다.
All you have to do is wait and see.
B: 만세! 차 한잔 하실래요?
Hurray! fancy a cup of tea?

A: 아빠, 또 반찬투정을 시작하셨네요.
Dad, you started being picky with food again.
엄마한테, 사과하시는 게 좋을 것 같아요.
You’d better say sorry to mum.
B: 그럴거야.
I will.
이제 우린 엄마가 만들 걸 먹기만 하면 된단다.
Now all we have to do is eat what she made.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 All you have to do is do it. 넌 그것을 하기만 하면 돼.

