Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 31st of August.
Today will never come again.
So, do your utmost and spend quality time for yourself.
That means 10-minute quality time is ready for you.
All you need to do is listen and repeat after me.
Are you ready?
** perk 기운차리게 하다; 활기를 띄다; (가치 등이) 증가하다
A: 차 한잔 줄까?
Fancy a cup of tea?
Fancy a cuppa?
기운 나게 해줄거야
That’ll will perk you up.
That’ll will perk you up.
B: 필요없어.
No need.
I don’t need that.
난 자기일에 정통한 사람이 필요해.
I need someone who knows his stuff.
I need someone who knows his onions.
** onion 겹겹이 싸인 껍질을 계속 벗겨도 결국은 알맹이를 얻을 수 없는 특성 => 알기 어려운 것
** know one’s onions ~의 양파(알기 어려운 것)를 알다 => 정통하다; 유능하다
A: 그들은 마침내 중앙분리대가 있는 고속도로를 완성했어.
They finally completed a highway with central guard.
They finally completed a dual carriageway.
겨우 3일 밖에 안 걸렸데
It took only 3 days.
It took only 3 days.
B: 그 좋은 소식이 모두를 기운나게 했지.
The good news perked everyone up.
That great news perked everyone up.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
아마도 맑은 공기가 널 좀 기운나게 할거야.
Perhaps, the fresh air will a little bit perk you up.
Perhaps, the fresh air will perk you up a bit.
편안한 레크레이션이 널 기운나게 하고A comfortable recreation will perk you up
The relaxing recreation will perk you up
행복한 느낌을 줄꺼야.
and give you a feeling of happiness.
and give you happy feeling.
기본적으로 커피가 우선은 너를 기운나게 하겠지만,
Basically, coffee will perk you up at first,
Basically, coffee will perk you up for now,
장기적으로는 역효과가 날거야.
but has adverse reaction in the long term.
but it’s backfire in the long run.
21.01.19.화 It won’t backfire. 그건 기대에 어긋나지 않을거야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
All of you already have many personal victories and great achievements. Be proud of yourself! I reckon it required a lot of time and dedicated efforts. But it was already proved good enough that you..
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 커피 한잔 줄까? 정말 기운나게 해줄거야.
Fancy a cuppa? That will perk you up.
B: 고맙지만 됐어.
No thank you.
난 자기 일에 정통한 사람이 필요해.
I need someone who knows his onions.
A: 그들이 마침내 중앙분리대가 있는 고속도로를 완성했어.
I heard they finally completed a dual carriageway.
겨우 3일 밖에 안 걸렸어.
It took only 3 days.
B: 그 놀라운 소식이 모두를 기운나게 했지.
That amazing news perked everyone up.
[권주현쌤] One said go as far as you can see when you get there. You’ll be able to see further. Listeners! Read further, see further, and study further.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It will perk you up. 그건 널 기운나게 할 거야.
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