Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Today is Wednesday the 2nd of December.
One said “I don’t regret the things I’ve done. I regret things I didn’t do when I had the chance.”
Listeners! You have the chance, the opportunity to study with me today.
Don’t miss it and don’t regret it.
All you need to do is stay with me for 10 minutes and shout out the main sentences.
** mickey 변덕스러운 성격의 아일랜드 사람
** take the mickey out of someone 누군가로 부터 변덕스러운 아일랜드 사람을 꺼내다. => 누군가를 놀리다 (친구를 놀릴 때)
A: 상사가 내 머리에 반창고를 붙여야 한다고 말했어.
My boss said I’ve got to put a plaster on my head.
My boss said I need to put a plaster on my head.
그는 놀리고 있어.
He’s taking the mickey out of me.
He’s taking the mickey out of me.
B: 그는 현명한 사람같은데요.
I think he is smart.
I reckon he is a wise person.
** 반창고: plaster(영국식), band aid(미국식)
A: 나는 세상에 질려버렸어.
I got exhausted with this world.
I’m feeling world-weary.(삶의 지루함을 느낄 때)
B: 그래서 말이야. 내가 너 키보드에 잔디씨를 심었어.So, I planted grass seeds on your keyboard.
That’s why I planted grass seeds in your keyboard.
하지만 널 그만 놀릴께,
But I’ll stop taking the mickey out of you.
But I’ll stop taking the mickey out of you.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그걸 좋아했어.
I liked it
I liked it
나는 그가 스스로를 놀리고 있었기 때문에,
because he is taking the mickey out of himself,
because he was taking the mickey out of himself,
그는 자기 기자회견 동안 기자를 놀리는 것을 즐겼어.
He enjoyed taking the mickey out of the journalist during his press conference.
He enjoyed taking the mickey out of a reporter during his press conference.
그녀는 단지 그가 돈이 없었다는 이유로 놀리기 시작했어
She started taking the mickey out of him just because he had no money.
She started taking the mickey out of him just because he had no money.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 상사가 내 무릎에 반창고를 붙여야 한다고 말했어.
My boss said I need to put a plaster on my knee.
그는 나를 놀리고 있어.
He’s taking the mickey out of me.
B: 그래서 너 키보드에 잔디씨를 심었지.
That’s why I planted grass seeds in your keyboard.
원한다면, 널 그만 놀릴거야.
But I’ll stop taking the mickey out of you if you want.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 He’s taking the mickey out of me. 그는 나를 놀리고 있어.
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