You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Weekly Review on Saturday the 19th of December.
December means lots of gathering and lots of foods.
But make sure you’re safe and avoid outdoor activities.
So, stay indoors so that you can focus on your studies.

2020.12.14.월 He is thirsty. 그는 관심받고 싶어해.
A: 그는 성공했는데,
He brought home the bacon,
He brought home the bacon,
사람들은 그가 여전히 실패자라고 생각해.
but people think he is still a failure.
but people think he is still a failure.
B: 그래서 그는 관심받고 싶어하지.
That’s why he is thirsty.
That’s why he is thirsty.
A: 그녀는 ( ) 사진을 10장 넘게 올려.
She posts more than 10 photos of her selfie
She’s posting more than 10 pictures of her
(자신의 SNS에 매일)
on social media every day.
every day on her social media.
B: 그녀는 분명 관심받고 싶어해.
She is obviously thirsty.
She is definitely thirsty.
2020.12.15.화 There’s nothing to it. 그거 별거 아니야.
A: 이 기계를 어떻게 조립하는지 모르겠어.
I don’t know how to assemble this device.
I don’t know how to assemble this machine.
B: 그거 별거 아니야.
There’s nothing to it.
There’s nothing to it.
그냥 여기 설명서를 따라하기만 하면 돼.
Just follow the instructions here.
Just follow the instructions here.
A: 그거 별거 아니야. 엄마가 널 위해서 할게.
There’s nothing to it. I will do it for you.
There’s nothing to it. Mum would do it for you.
B: 아무것도 걱정하지 마세요. 제가 알아서 할게요.
Don’t worry about anything. I’m on it.
Don’t worry about the thing. I’ve got it covered.
20.03.12.목 I got it covered. 제가 알아서 할게요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday the 12th of March, the day of the week before Friday. I reckon you burnt the midnight oil, but it’s time to learn posh a..
2020.12.16.수 But there is a twist. 하지만 반전이 있어.
A: 그를 만났을 때, 그녀는 몹시 화가 나 있었어.
She went banans when she met up him.
She went banans when she met him.
B: 하지만 스토리에 반전이 있어.
But there’s a twist in the story.
But there’s a twist in the story.
A: 그가 결국 end up ~ing 교도소에 갔나요?
Did he go to prison in the end?
Did he end up going to jail?
B: 아니요. 왜냐하면 ( ) 반전이 있어거든요.
No. It’s because there’s a twist
No. because there’s a twist
(그가 한 공직자 one official의 전화를 받았을 때)
when he got a call from a public officer.
when he received a call from one official.
2020.12.17.목 She is out of the wood. 그녀는 고비를 넘겼어.
A: 그는 여전히 집중치료실에 있지만,
He is still in the intensive care unit,
He is still in the intensive care unit.
고비를 넘겼지.
but he is out of the woods.
but he is out of the woods.
B: 나에게 진행상황을 계속 알려줘. 뭐든지 도와주고 싶어.
Please keep me updated. I want to help for anything.
Please keep me posted. I’d like to help anything.
20.04.07.화 I’ll keep you posted. 진행 상황을 계속 알려 줄게.
Thanks for tuning into 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 7th of April, a perfect day to study and it’s time to hit books. Learn posh accent with and read out loud so that y..
** 집중치료실 ICU = Intensive Care Unit 중환자실
2020.12.18.금 I’ll be back in no time. 금방 돌아올게.
A: 금방 올거니깐, 제가 지시한 거 하세요.
I’ll be back in no time. Do what I instructed.
I’ll be back in no time. Do what I’ve order.
B: 제가 왜 그래야 하죠?
Why should I do that?
Why should I do?
저는 더 이상 제 감정을 숨기고 싶지 않아요.
I don’t want to bottle up my feelings anymore.
I don’t want to bottle up my feelings anymore.
20.06.04. 목 Don’t bottle up your feelings. 네 감정을 숨기지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday the fouth of June. I reckon you burnt the midnight oil. But it’s time to learn posh accent with me. Wake up! Listen c..
출처 EBS 오디오 오학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review 12/14 ~ 12/18
'2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
20.12.22.화 Don’t even bring that up. 그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.12.22 |
20.12.21.월 Let’s play it by ear. 즉흥적으로 하자. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.12.21 |
20.12.18.금 I’ll be back in no time. 금방 돌아올게. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.12.18 |
20.12.17.목 She is out of the woods. 그녀는 고비를 넘겼어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.12.17 |
20.12.16.수 But there’s a twist. 하지만 반전이 있어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.12.16 |