You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Tuesday the 22nd of December.
How to study language effectively.
There are common mistakes to avoid when you study: spend all your time studying from textbooks and forget about listening.
Please don’t do that. Listen to the show and avoid making mistakes. And of course, you have to read out loud with me.

** bring [something] up 화제를 꺼내다;토하다;컴퓨터를 화면에 띄우다.
A: 판다보모가 되는 게 어떠니?
Why don’t you become a panda nanny?
Why don’t you become a panda nanny?
B: 이제 글쓰기는 제 밥줄이에요.
Now, writing is my life string.
Now, writing is my bread and butter.
그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마세요
Don’t even bring that up.
Don’t even bring that up.
** bread and butter 생계를 유지하는 데 필요한 수입을 제공해주는 주된 소득원; 밥줄
A: 친구야, 네 게시글에 아무도 “좋아요”를 안 눌었어.
Mate, nobody presses the “like” on your posting.
Mate, nobody pressed “like” on your post.
B: 그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마.
Don’t even bring that up.
Don’t even bring that up.
그래서 나 SNS를 멀리하는 중이야
That’s why I’m away on social media.
That’s why I’m staying off the socials.
** social 사교적인;사교의
** the socials: social media = SNS
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
내가 그 얘긴 다시 꺼내지도 말라고 했잖아.
I told you don’t even bring that up again.
I said don’t even bring that up again.
너가 무슨 말을 하는지 모르겠으니
I don’t know what you talk about
I have no idea what you’re talking bout
제발 그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마
Please don’t even bring that up.
Please don’t even bring that up.
너가 여기 있고 싶으면,
If you want to stay here
If you want to be here
그것이 무엇이든 간에 그 얘긴 꺼내지 말아줘
whatever it is, don’t even bring that up.
whatever it was, don’t even bring that up.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 이번에 판다 보모가 되는 게 어떠니?
Why don’t you become a panda nanny this time?
B: 글쓰기는 이제 제 밥줄이에요.
Writing is my bread and butter.
대화에 in conversation 그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마세요.
Don’t even bring that up in the conversation.
A: 친구야, 네 게시글에 아무도 좋아요를 안 누른 게 사실이니?
Mate, is it true that nobody pressed like on your post?
Mate, is it true that nobody pressed like on your post?
B: 그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마.
Don’t even bring that up.
그래서 한 동안 SNS를 멀리하는 중이야.
That’s why I’m staying off the socials for a while.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학원 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Don’t even bring that up. 그 얘긴 꺼내지도 마.
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