You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Thursday the 24th of December.
Well, one say Christmas is not a time nor season, but a state of mind to cherish peace and good will is to #### real spirit of Christmas.
So cherish peace for everybody and share your love.
I’m willing to share my knowledge and love to you, listeners.
Don’t go anywhere before you have a lovely, lovely day.
인스턴트 음식을 일주일째 먹고 있는 친구에게?
** anything but [something]빼고 무엇이든
** anything but good 좋은 것 빼고 무엇이든 => 결코 좋은 것이 아닌
A: 이 책의 구성은 헷갈리는 거 투성이었어.
The plot of this book is full of confusion.
The plot of the book is full of red herrings.
하지만 이건 최고의 책이야.
But this is the best book.
But this is the best book.
B: 이건 너의 정신건강에 결코 좋은 게 아니야.
This is anything but good for your mental health.
This is anything but good for your mental health.
** red herring**
1) a dried somked herring, which is turned red by the smoke
2) a clue or piece of information that is, or is intended to be, misleading or distracting
** 청어 herring 는 등은 어두운 푸른색이고, 배쪽은 은백색인 생선 이지만 훈제를 하면 색이 빨갛게 변하기 때문에, 원래 어떤 생선이었는지 헷갈린다.
=> 사람을 헷갈리게 만드는 것; 남의 관심을 중요한 것에서 딴 데로 돌리게 하는 것
A: 넌 그 여배우랑 똑같이 생겼어.
You just look like the actress.
You are a dead ringer for the actress.
그녀는 아주 멋지지.
She is so fabulous.
She is so gorgeous.
B: 그녀는 결코 매력적이지 않아.
She is anything but attractive.
She is anything but attractive.
** ringer **
1) 종을 울리는 사람/장치
2) 아주 꼭 닮은 사람/것
=> be a dead ringer for ~와 꼭 닮다.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
( )이 명백해.
It’s obvious
It’s apparent
(그 문제는 결코 쉬운 것이 아니라는 것)
that the problem is anything but easy.
that the problem is anything but easy.
아무도 ( )라고 말할 수 없었어.
Nobody could say
Nobody could say
그것은 결코 마땅히 그럴만한 가치가 없었어.
it was anything but deserve it.
it was anything but richly deserved.
그녀는 정말 착하게 살려고 했meant to be지만,
She tried to be really nice in life,
She has meant to be really nice,
내가 그녀를 만났을 때, 그녀는 결코 착하지 않았아.
but she was anything but nice when I met her,
but she was anything but nice when I met her.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 이건 너의 영혼에 결코 좋은 게 아니야.
This is anything but good for your soul.
B: 그녀는 결코 예쁘지 않아.
She is anything but pretty.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 This is anything but good. 이건 결코 좋은 것이 아니야.
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