You’re listening to on EBS radio.
Today is Wednesday the 23rd of December.
If you made a decision to learn English without a help of teacher.
You need to take things slowly.
Don’t expect to read some English #### and wake up fluent.
Set realistic goals and dedicate #### amount of time learning English every single day.
That means studying me every day just for 10 minutes.
So, are you with me today?
** affair 공적으로 중요하거나 관심사되는 일/문제/사건
** 직역: 그건 나의 일이다
** 상황:누군가가 개인하는 걸 반대
** 지역: 네가 상관할 바가 아니야.
** 유사표현 It’s none of your business.
A: 그가 하는 모든 말을 적당히 걸러서 들어야 해.
You need to take everything he says with a pinch of salt.
You’ve got to take everything he says with a pinch of salt.
B: 그가 과장하는 건 알겠지만,
I know he is overstating
I know he is exaggerating
너가 상관할 바 아니야.
but that’s my affair.
but that’s my affair.
** with a pinch/grain of salt 적당히 걸러서
21.02.26.금 We should take it with a pinch of salt.우리는 그것을 적당히 걸러 들어야 해. 권주현의 진짜
Today is Friday the 26th of February. One said successful and unsuccessful people don't vary greatly in their aibilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential. Desire to study? That's..
A: 너의 아들은 항상 사고뭉치 accident prone였어
Your son was always 사고뭉치.
Your son has always been accident-prone.
B: 맞는 말이지만, 너가 상관할 바 아니잖아.
Indeed, but that’s my affair.
Indeed, but that’s my affair.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
난 ( ) 꽤 quite 이해하지만,
I understand pretty well that
I quite understand that
(너가 그녀에게 사실을 말하고 싶어한다는 건)
you wanted to tell her the truth
you wanted to tell her the truth
너가 상관할 바가 아니야
but that’s my affair.
but that’s my affair.
그건 너가 상관할 바는 아니지만,
That’s my affair,
That’s my affair,
그것이 다 될 be done 것이라고 약속할게.
but I promise you that all will be done.
but I promise you it will be done.
만약 내가 다르게 otherwise하기로 택한다면,
If I choose to do differently,
If I choose to do otherwise,
그거 너가 상관할 바가 아닌 것같아.
I think that’s my affair.
I reckon that’s my affair.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그의 충고는 적당히 걸러서 들어와 해.
You’ve got to take his advice with a pinch of salt.
B: 그거 과잉반응을 보이고 있다는 건 알지만,
I know he is overracting,
너가 상관할 바가 아니야.
but that’s my affair.
A: 너 아들은 수년동안 사고뭉치였어.
Your son has been accident-prone for years.
B: 맞는 말이지만, 너는 상관할 바는 아닌 것 같아.
Indeed, but I think that’s my affair.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 That’s my affair. 그건 네가 상관할 바 아니야.