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[2021.06.04.Fri] 입이 트이는 영어 Fear of Missing Out 포모의 심리

by Namaskara 2021. 6. 4.

[Speaking] Talk about FOMO, the Fear Of Missing Out

"FOMO" is short for the Fear Of Missing Out and it was originally a marketing jargon. It is also used in psychology. It usually refers to the fear of missed opportunities or being left out. It is also used to describe a vague feeling of uneasiness about other people having meaningful experiences that one has not experienced oneself.

With price spikes in stocks and cyptocurrencies these days, there has been a surge in the number of individual investors who go into debt to invest. They are afraid of being left in the dust. Even a term called "FOMS syndrome" has been coined.

People also feel the FOMO in the real estate market. Skyrocketing prices for homes and stronger restrictions on taking out loans have made people fear that they might never become homeowners. That's why many people go beyond their means to buy a home.


jargon (특정 영역에서 사용되는) 특수 용어

vague 막연한

price spike 가격 급등
go into debt 빚을 지다

be left in the dust 뒤쳐지다(먼지 바람에 나만 혼자 남겨진 느낌)

be coined 새로운 용어가 만들어지다

go beyond one's means (감당 수준을 넘어서 금전적으로)무리하다

FOMO는 Fear Of Missing Out의 줄임마로 원래는 마케팅 용어였습니다. 심리학 용어로도 사용됩니다. 주로 기회를 놓치거나 소외되는 것에 대한 두려움을 말합니다. 또한 자신이 해보지 못한 가치 있는 경험을 다른 사람이 하고 있는 것에 대한 막연한 불안감을 묘사할 때도 사용됩니다.
최근 주식시장과 가상화폐의 가격이 급등하자, 본인만 뒤쳐질까 두려워 빚을 내서라도 투자하는 개인투자자들이 부쩍 늘었습니다. 오죽하면 ‘포모신드롬’이라는 말도 생겼습니다.
부동산시장에서도 ‘포모’를 느끼는 사람들이 있습니다. 급등하는 집값과 강화되는 대출 규제 때문에 내 집 마련을 영원히 못할지도 모른다는 두려움이 커졌습니다. 그래서 금전적으로 무리를 해서라도 집을 사려는 사람들이 많습니다.


a vague feeling of uneasiness 막연한 불안감
과도한 스트레스는 막연한 불안감을 유발할 수도 있다
Overwhelming stress could trigger a vague feeling of uneasiness.
A vague feeling of uneasiness can be caused by excesstive stress.
요즘은 휴대폰 작동이 안되면 막연한 불안감을 느끼기 한다.
These days, I sometimes have a vague feeling of uneasiness with a mobile phone not working properly.
Being unable to use one’s phone these days can cause a vague feeling of uneasiness.

be left in the dust 뒤쳐지다
매일매일 연습하지 않으면, 머지 않아 뒤쳐지게 될 것입니다.
You are to be left in the dust soon unless daily practice is involving.
If you don’t practice every day, you will soon be left in the dust

go beyond one’s means 무리하다
돈을 투자할 때 너무 무리하는 건 현명하지 않습니다.
It’s not wise to go beyond one’s means when investing money.
It’s unwise to go beyond one’s means when investing money.


A: I heard the term FOMO a lot these days.
B: Yeah. It refer to the fear of being left out of things.
A: I think there is a word for the opposit, too.
It’s too JOMO.
B: Oh. That must be the Joy Of Missing Out.
A: That’s right. It’s a state of mind where you pay no attention to what others do
B: I remember how YOLO was a hot topic a while ago.
* a state of mind 정신 상태


나는 일을 안 할 때마다 막연하게 불안해진다

A vague feeling of uneasiness comes to me whenever I don’t work.
I get a vague feeling uneasiness whenever I am not working.

그 회사는 혁신을 하지 않아서 뒤쳐지고 말았다
The company has eventually been left in the dust after failing its innovation.
The company was left in the dust because it didn’t innovate.

어떤 사람들은 실제 필요도 없는 물건을 사느라 금전적으로 무리를 한다
Some people go beyond their means to buy practically useless items.

Some people go beyond their means to buy things they don’t actually need.

내가 실패할 거라고 말한 사람들은 신경쓰지 않았다
I paid no attention to people saying I would fail.
I paid no attention to the people who said I would fail.

가상화폐 투자는 요즘 들어 큰 화제다
Investment in cryptocurrencies has recently become a hot topic.
Investing in cryptocurrencies is a hot topic these days.

