plenty of [명사] 충분한 [명사]
(부정문에서는 어색)
나는 이 일자리를 원할 충분한 사람들을 알아
I know a plenty of people who want this position.
I know plenty of people who would want this job.
충분한 휴식을 가져. 내일이 너에게 중요한 날이니깐
Take plenty of rest because tomorrow is important to you.
Get plenty of rest because tomorrow is your big day.
우리 충분한 물이 있니?
Do we have plenty of water?
Do we have plenty of water?
thrill 스릴
rush (V.)서두르다 I am rushing to work
quality time 귀중한;오붓한;뜻깊은 시간
rest 휴식 represent 나타내다
fresh 생생한;싱싱한
Monday blues 월요병 career 직업;경력
Fridays 매주 금요일; 금요일 마다
난 매주 금요일에 EBS에 가
I go to the EBS on Fridays.
I go to EBS on Friday.
그녀는 매주 일요일에 편의점에서 일해
She works at CVS on Sundays.
She works at a convenient store on Sudays.
dedicate 목적어 to [명사] 목적어를 명사에게 바치다
그녀는 그녀의 모든 걸 그녀의 남편에게 바쳤어
She dedicated all of hers to her husband.
She dedicated her everything to her husband.
그들은 그들의 인생을 세계평화에 바쳤어
They dedicated their lives to the world peace.
They dedicated their lives to world peace.
It’s time for [명사] 를 위한 때가 됐다
저녁식사를 위한 시간이 됐어
It’s time for dinner
뭔가 새로운 걸 위한 시간일지도 모르지 maybe
It might be time for something new.
Maybe it’s time for something new.
[Five Golden Sentences]
내가 일주일 중에 가장 좋아하는 요일은 금요일과 월요일이다
My favorite days of the week are Fridays and Mondays.
금요일은 주말 전에 모든 걸 끝내기 위해 서두르는 스릴이 있어서 좋다
I love Fridays because it’s just a thrill about rushing to complete everything before the weekend.
I love Fridays because there’s just a thrill about rushing to finish everything before the weekend.
주말은 가족과 오붓한 시간을 보내고 충분한 휴식을 취하는 데 전념하려고 노력한다.
I tried to dedicate my weekends to quality time with my family and having plenty of rest
I tried to dedicate my weekends to quality time with my family and getting plenty of rest.
나에게 월요일은 생생한 시작이면 다시 시도할 기회를 나타내기 때문에 역시 좋다
I also love Mondays because, to me, Mondays represent a fresh starting and opportunites to try again.
I also love Modnays because, to me, Mondays represent a fresh start and a chance to try again
월요병을 꽤 자주 겪는다면 직업을 바꿀 필요가 있는 때인지도 모른다.
If you have Monday blues quite often, maybe it’s time for a career change
If you get the Monday blues too often, maybe it’s time for a career change.
[응용 영작]
걱정 마. 기름 충분해
Don’t worry. There is plenty of oil.
Don’t worry. We have plenty of gas.
너 물을 충분히 마셔야 해.
You should drink plenty of water.
You should drink plenty of water
난 매주 금요일에 부모님을 방문해
I visit my parents on Fridays.
I visit my parents on Fridays
그녀는 사회문제를 바로 잡는 corrext 것에 인생을 바쳤어
She dedicated her life to solving social problems.
She dedicated her life to correcting social problems.
디저트 먹을 때가 됐어!
It’s time for a dessert!
It’s time for some dessert!
2021 EBS 이지 라이팅
[2021.06.04.Fri] [Easy Writing] My favorite days of the week