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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.06.11.Fri] 입이 트이는 영어 Amateur Baseball 사회인 야구

by Namaskara 2021. 6. 12.

[Speaking] Talk about Amateur Baseball

Amateur Baseball leagues are very active in Korea. Teams usually are comprised of people who work together, attended the same school, or live in the same neighborhood. The season gets under way in late February or early March, and comes to a close in Octobr. Many leagues have play offs and league finals in November.

Everyone plays at different levels in baseball, so leagues are divided by the level of play. The lowest, fourth tier is off limits to former athletes. Former athletes are defined as people who participated in the National League during high school. Most teams are part of this fourth tier league.

The third tier allows one former athlete, and the 2nd tier allows up to two. Generally, the 1st tier leagues will have three or more former athletes. As a general rule, former athletes don't take the mound as pitchers.


get underway 시작하다

come to a close 종료되다

level of play 경기력, 경기수준

off limits to (접근)이 금지되다

the national league 전국 대회

take the mound (투수)로 등판하다


한국의 사회인야구는 정말 활성화되어 있습니다. 주로 같은 직장을 다니거나 같은 학교 출신, 같은 지역 거주자로 팀이 구성되는 경우가 많습니다. 시즌은 2월 말이나 3월초에 개막되고, 10월경에 종료됩니다. 11월에는 플레이오프나 결승전을 가지는 리구가 많습니다. 

야구는 제각각 실력차이가 나기때문에 수준별로 리그가 나누어져 있습니다. 가장 낮은 4부 리그의 경우 선수 출신은 절대 참여할 수 없습니다. 선수 출신이란 고등학교 시절 전국 대회에 참여했던 사람을 말합니다. 대부분의 팀들이 이 4부 리그에 속해 있습니다.

3부 리그의 경우는 선수 출신 1명이 허용되고, 2부 리그의 경우는 2명이 허용됩니다. 1부 리그의 경우는 3명 이상을 허용하는 게 일반적입니다. 보통 선수 출신은 특수로 등판하지 않은 것이 기본 규칙입니다. 



get under way 시작하다

회의가 시작하기 전까지 우린 잠시 for a while 담소를 나눴다 talk

We had a small talk before the meeting got under way.

We talked for a while before the meeting got under way.

영화가 시작되기 전까지는 극장에서 많은 광고를 상영한다

Before the movie gets under way, a lot of commercials are on in the theater

Theaters show a lot of ads before the movie gets under way.


at different levels in  서로 다른 수준/실력으로

아이들은 나이가 같더라도 책을 읽는 수준이 다 다르다.

Children read at different levels in books although they are at the same age.

Children read at different levels even if they are the same age


as a general rule 일반적인 규칙으로; 기본규정으로

아이들은 출입이 되지 않는 것이 기본 규칙입니다.

Children are not allowed to get in as a general rule

Children aren't allowed inside as a general rule

일반적인 규칙으로 회원들이 좀 더 많은 혜택을 얻게 됩니다.

As a general rule, members will get more benefits.

As a general rule, members get more benefits.



A: I'm playing baseball in an amateur league these days.

   It's a riot!

B: Oh really?

A: Yeah, we get together every week to practice, and to play games.

B: I see. That's a great hobby.

A: When I gear up in my uniform and step out on the field to play baseball, my stress evaporates.

B: I think you may also build strong friendships with the teammates that you play with 

It's a riot 엄청 재밌다

gear up in (잘 차려)입다

step out 나가다



나는 회의가 시작하기 전에 도착할 수 있었다

I was able to be there before the meeting got under way.

I was able to arrive before the meeting got under way.


우리는 함께 연습하지만, 경기력은 서로 다르다 at different levels

We practice together, but we are at different levels.

We practice together, but we play at different levels.


예약 없이는 입장할 수가 없는 것이 기본 규칙이다  as a general rule,

As a general rule, you are not admitted without reservations.

As a general rule, you can't enter without a reservation.


영화가 처음부터 끝까지 전부 재미있었다

The movie, as a whole, was a riot.

The movie was a riot from start to finish.


우리가 출발하기 전에 나는 장비를 착용할 시간이 필요해

I need some time to gear up before we set off.

I need time to gear up before we leave.

