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[2021.06.14.Mon] 입이 트이는 영어 Cryptocurrency and NFTs 가상화폐와 NFT(Non-Fungible Token)

by Namaskara 2021. 6. 14.

[Speaking] Talk about Cryptocurrency and NFTs

Bitcoin, a top example of Cryptocurrency, is on the verge of becoming formally accepted. 대표적인 암호화폐인 비트코인이 제도권 진입을 앞두고 있습니다.
Some companies have adopted it as an acceptable method of payment and purchased it in large amount. 일부기업들이 비트코인을 허용 가능한 결제 수단으로 채택하면서 대량으로 매입하는 경우도 있었습니다.
Investing companies are starting to recognize cyptocurrency as an investment asset. 투자사들도 가상화폐를 투자 수단으로 인식하기 시작했습니다.
Stock brokerages are preparing to release Bitcoin and ETFs (Exchange-Traded Fund), and some countries have already given them the green light. 증권사들은 비트코인 ETF 출시를 준비하고 있고, 일부 국가들은 이미 승인한 상태입니다.
Cryptocurrencies are clearly a market worth watching. 앞으로 가상화폐는 더욱 눈여겨봐야 하는 시장임이 분명합니다.
Meanwhile, NFTs (Non-Fungible Token) use blockchain technologies to certify assets as real. 한편, NFT는 블록체인 기술을 사용하여 자산을 진품으로 증명합니다.
Works of art are being converted to NFTs first and foremost, and they are gathering attention. 예술작품들이 가장 먼저 NFT로 전환이 되면서 주목을 받고 있습니다.
Currently, such high-value NFTs are being traded at auction houses. 현재 이러한 고가의 NFT는 경매사들을 통해 거래되고 있습니다.
Auction houses rich in heritage like Christie's and Sotheby's have joined the auction, recently starting NFT transaction. 전통 있는 경매사인 크리스티와 소더비도 최근에 NFT거래를 시작하며 합류했습니다.
a top example of ~의 대표적인 예
on the verge of ~의 찰나에 있다.
in large amount 대량으로
give ____ the green light 승인을 내주다
stock brokerage 증권회사
certify ____ as _____ 을 ~로 인증(증명)하다
works of art 예술 작품들
first and foremost 무엇보다 먼저
gather attentiion 관심을 모으다 주목받다
high-value 고가
rich in heritage 유서 깊은
NFT transaction NTF 거래

as an acceptable methode of payment 허용가능한 결제 수단으로서
Back in the day, cash was the only acceptable method of payment at some stores

give ____ the green light 승인하다
우리 상사가 그 프로젝트를 승인했다
Our boss gave the project the green light.
My boss gave the project the green light.

gather attention 주목을 받다
그녀는 어딜가나 wherever she goes 주목을 받습니다.
She gathers attention everywhere.
She gathers attention wherever she goes.

A: Have you invested in Bitcoin?
B: No. I'm just keeping my eye on it.
A: Same here.
B: But cryptocurrency does seem to be growing at an alarming rate
A: That's right. It's really hot right now, especially with NFTs in the mix.
B: Blockchain technology seems to be staking a claiming as a key technology for the future
keep one's eye on ~예의주시하다;관망하다
in the mix 가세된
stake a claim as 단언해서 말하다;자리매김하다
key technology 핵심기술


한국의 택시에서는 신용카드로도 결제할 수 있다.

The credit card for taxi fares is also an acceptable method of payment in Korea.

Credit cards are an acceptable method of payment in Korean taxis.


우리부모님께서는 우리가 올해 결혼하는 걸 허락하셨다
My parents gave us the green light for our marriage this year.
Our parents gave us the green light to get married this year.

그 작가는 초기 소설들로 주목을 받았다
The author gathered attention with the early novels
The author gathered attention with his/her early novels.

우리는 놀라운 속도로 돈을 잃고 있었다

We were losing money at an alarming rate.

We were losing money at an alarming rate.


배터리는 요즘 핵심기술이다.

Battery is a key technology these days.

Batteries are a key technology these days.

