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[2021.06.16.Wed] 입이 트이는 영어 Ulsan's Taehwagang National Garden 울산 태화강 국가정원

by Namaskara 2021. 6. 16.

[Speaking] Talk about Taehwagang National Garden in Ulsan

Taegawgang National Garden in Ulsan was designated as Korea's second national garden in 2019. In the spring, red poppies and peonies burst into bloom. Roses of Sharon in various colors and surflowers show off their beauty in the summer. In the fall, golden-colored chrysanthemum and fields of silver grass unfold. There is a forest where visitors can go to experience healing during all four seasons of the year.

The garden is also a habitat for white herons in the  summer. When rooks, winter migratory birds, arrive at Taehwagang river, they dance against the backdrop of the sunset. They put on a show that is an unbelievable sight.

Various types of fish live in Taehwagang river. Each year, salmon return to the river. This has helped Ulsan shed its images as a polluted city. I hope that the COVID-19 crisis will come to an end quickly, so that lots of tourists can pay a visit to Ulsan, which is now an Eco-friendly city.


poppy 양귀비

peony 작약

rose of sharon 무궁화

burst 확~ (속도가 빠른 느낌) 

burst into bloom 활짝 피다

show up 자랑하다

show up thier beauty 자태를 뽑내다

chrysanthemums 국화

silver grass 억새

white heron 백로

rooks 떼까마귀

habitat 서식지

migratory birds 철새

dance against the backdrop of ~ 배경으로 춤을 추다.

put on a show 광경/공연을 펼쳐내다

shed its image as ~의 이미지를 벗다


울산 태화강 국가정원은 2019년에 우리나라 제2호 국가정원으로 지정되었다. 봄에는 붉은 양귀비와 작약이 활짝 핀다. 여름에는 각양각색의 무궁화와 해바라기가 아름다운 자태를 뽐낸다. 가을에는 황금빛 국화와 억새밭이 펼쳐진다. 그리고 사계절 내내 방문객들이 힐링을 하러 갈 수 있는 숲이 있다.

이곳은 여름철에는 백로의 서식지이기도 하다. 겨울 철새인 떼까마귀들이 태화강을 찾아오면, 노을을 배경으로 상상을 초월하는 새들의 군무가 펼쳐진다.

태화강에는 다양한 종류의 물고기가 살고 있다. 특히 해마다 연어가 이 강으로 회귀를 한다. 이로 인해 울산은 공해 도시의 오명을 깨끗이 씻어 낼 수 있었다. 하루빨리 코로나 19가 종식되어서 많은 관광객들이 생태도시로 거듭난 울산을 방문했으면 좋겠다.



designated as 로 지정되다.

최근에 그 산이 국립공원으로 지정되었다

Recently, the mountain was designated as a National Park.

The mountain was designated as a National Park recently.

그 자리는 방문객 전용 주차장으로 지정되었다

That place was designated as the visitor's parking only.

This spot has been designated as a parking space for visitors


experience healing 힐링을 하다

좋아하는 음식을 먹는 것처럼 단순하지만서도 힐링이 되는 것은 없다.

Enjoying one's favorite food is simply but the best way to experience healing.

You can experience healing through something as something as eating food you like.

우리나라에서 많은 사람들이 힐리을 위해서 등산을 합니다.

A lot of people climb up the mountain to experience healing in Korea

Many people in Korea go hiking to experience healing.


pay a visit to (장소/사람)방문하다

할머니댁에 내가 찾아갔었다

I paid a visit to my grandmother.

I paid a visit to my grandmother last weekend.



A: Have you ever been to Taehwagang National Garden in Ulsan?

B: I haven't gotten around to it yet. Have you been?

A: Yeah. I went before the covid 18 outbreak.

B: How was it?

A: It was great. I felt the sense of healing both in body and spirit.

B: I've heard good things about it. I'll make sure to visit when the covid 19 pandemic is over.

* I haven't gotten around to it yet. 그럴 여유가 없었다

  get around to 시간을 내서 ~ 하다



일찍 일어나 명상하는 것은 힐링을 할 수 있는 좋은 방법이다.

Gettinng up early and doing meditation is a good way to experience healing.

Meditation in the early morning is a good way to experience healing.

Waking up early to meditate is a good way to experience healing.


나는 그 갤러리를 방문해 보고 싶었지만, 시간이 없었다

I wanted to pay a visit to the gallery, but I didn't get around to it.

I wanted to pay a visit to the gallery, but I didn't have time.

