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[2021.06.09.Wed]입이 트이는 영어 Paternity Leave 아빠의 육아 휴직

by Namaskara 2021. 6. 9.

Talk about Paternity Leaves

Times change, and highly-qualified women have joined the workforce to flex their ability. But unfortunately, career distruptions were common for women when they had and raised the children. 

My wife and I had twin daughters after we got married. I wanted to help my beloved wife maintain her life. So, I put my career on hold and apply for a year-long leave of absence to raise the girls.

Employers and co-workers used to disapprove of dads going on paternity leaves just 5 or 6 years ago. To be sure, the atmosphere still doens't actively encourage paternity leaves. But raising children is a shared responsibility for both man and women. I urge dads all of the world to confidently go on paternity leaves to take care of their kids.


join the workforce 사회에 진출하다  urge 촉구하다;장려하다

flex their ability 능력을 펼치다

flex one's muscle 근육을 보여주다;과시하다

career distruptions 경력단절

put on hold 잠시 중단하다

disapproved 못마땅한


시대가 많이 변화면서, 능력을 갖춘 여성들이 사회에 진출하여 뛰어난 실력을 발휘하기 시작했다. 하지만 안타깝게도 여성들이 아이를 낳고 키우다 보면 커리어가 단절되는 경우가 많았다. 

나와 아내는 결혼 후에 쌍둥이 공주님을 낳았다. 나는 사랑하는 아내의 삶을 지켜주고 싶었다. 그래서 나의 커리어를 잠시내려놓고 딸들을 키우기 위해 1년간 육아 휴직을 신청했다. 

불과 5~6년 전만 하더라도, 아빠의 육아휴직은 회사나 동료들이 좋게 보지 않았다. 물론 아직도 아빠의 육아 휴직을 적극적으로 권장하는 분위기가 아닌 것은 확실하다 하지만 육아는 남녀 모두의 공동 책임이다. 나는 이 세상 아빠들에게 당당히 육아휴직을 하여 아이를 돌볼 것을 권장한다. 



flex one's ability 능력/실력을 발휘하다

많은 여성들이 직장에서 능력을 발휘하고 있다.

Many women are flexing their abilities at work.

발표야 말로 내가 실력을 마음껏 다 발휘할 수 있는 기회이다. 

Presentation is an opportunity to flex my abilities.

Presentations are when I can really flex my abilities.

나 회사에서 마음껏 능력발휘를 할 기회가 충분치 않은 것 같다.

It seems that I don't have as many opportunities to flex my abilities as I can at work.

I don't have enough opportunities to flex my abilities at this job.


put one's career on hold 커리어를 잠시 내려놓다

나는 가족을 위해서 잠시 커리어를 내려 놓은 걸 후회하진 않습니다.

I don't regret that I put my career on hold for my family.

I don't regret putting my career on hold for my family.


a year-long leave of absence 일년간의 휴직

남성들이 육아를 목적으로 1년간 휴직하는 것이 점점 흔한 일이 되어가고 있습니다.

It has become common that men take a year-long leave of absence for childraising 

It is becoming more common for men to take a year-long leave of absence for childcare



A: Who looks after kids when you're working?

B: Oh. My husband is on paternity leave for a year

A: Oh really?

B: Yes. We decided to take turns for childcare leave.

A: That's a really sensible approach.

B: I think so.

   I hope that childcare leave policies and related benefits will be further expanded

   육아휴직 제도와 관련 혜택이 좀 더 확대되었으면 좋겠어요

*childcare leave policies and related benefits 육아휴직 제도와 관련 혜택



마침내 내 실력을 보여줄 기회가 생겼어

Finally, there was an opportunity to flex my abilities.

I, Finally, had a chance to flex my abilities.


그는 건강을 회복하기 위해 잠시 커리어를 내려놔야 했다

He had to put his career on hold for health recovery.

He had to put his career on hold to recover his health.


1년간의 휴직은 자기 계발을 할 좋은 기회가 될 수도 있다

A year-long leave could be an opportunity for self-development

A year-long leave could be a good opportunity for self-improvement


우리는 내일 아이들을 돌봐 줄 사람을 아직 찾지 못했다

We weren't able to find someone looking after our children tomorrow

We still haven't found someone to look after the kids tomorrow.


합리적인 방안이긴 하지만 너무 오래 걸릴 것 같애

It's a sensible approach but it looks it will take too long.

It's a sensible approach but I think it might take too long.

