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[2021.06.21.Mon] 입이 트이는 영어 Living in Monthly Rental Housing 월세살이

by Namaskara 2021. 6. 21.

[Speaking] Talk about living in a monthly rental house.
I started living in monthly rental homes 9 years ago in college. Usually, the security deposit starts at 10 million won. A higher security deposit brings down the monthly rent. The monthly rent doesn't include maintenance fees. That must be paid separately. If you are behind on your rent, it is deducted from the security deposit. The lease agreement also contains special clauses, such as whether the apartment is smoke-free or whether pets are allowed. Under the monthly rent cap policy, the landlord can raise the rent by 5% every year. If you meet a kind landlord, they might not raise the rent at all, when you renew the lease.
I changed jobs and wanted to live somewhere with a shorter commute. So, I cancelled the contract before my lease was up and found a new home. Since I was the one who cancelled the contract, I had to pay the real estate agent's fee when we found a new tenant.
나는 9년전 대학생활을 시작하면서 월세살이를 시작했다. 보통 월세 보증금은 천만원으로 시작한다. 보증금이 높을수록 월세는 낮아진다. 월세는 관리비 등은 포함되지 않기 때문에 따로 지불해야 한다. 만약 월세가 밀리면 보증금에서 차감된다. 월세 계약서에는 실내흡연금지라던가 반려동물 허용여부 같은 특약 조항도 담겨 있다.
월세 상한제에 따라, 집주인은 매년 5%까지 월세를 인상할 수 있다. 좋은 집주인을 만나면 재계약을 할 때 월세를 올리지 않을 수도 있다.
나는 이직을 하게 되어 출퇴근하기 가까운 곳에 살고 싶었다. 그래서 월세계약이 만료되기 전에 계약을 파기하고 새집을 구했습니다. 내가 계약을 파기한 사람이라서 새로운 세입자를 구했을 때 부동산 중개료를 지불해야 했다.

up: 완성된;끝낸 Time is up 시간 다 됐다;끝났다.
cap: lid 뚜껑
monthly rent cap policy 월세 상한제
income cap: 임금상한제
This area is smoke-free

behind on one's rent. 임대료/월세가 밀리다
내가 월세를 밀렸을 때, 집주인분이 잘 이해해주시고 배려해주셨다.
When I was behind on my rent, the landlord was quite considerate of my situation.
The landlord was very understanding, when I was behind on my rent.
*somebody is very understanding 이해심 많다.

renew a lease 임대 재계약하다
아파트가 워낙 마음에 들어서 임대 재계약하기로 결정했습니다.
The apartment was so wonderful that we decided to renew the lease.
I liked the apartment so much that I decided to renew the lease.

real estate agent's fee 부동산 중개료
부동산 중개료는 총 금액에 따라 달라집니다.
The real estate agency fee depends on the total amount of properties.
The real estate agency fee changes depending on the total cost.

A: The lease expires for my apartment next month.
B: Oh! Are you going to keep on living there?
A: I haven't made up my mind yet. The landlord wants to raise the rent.
B: Oh! That must be a burden for you.
A: Yes, I am in a dilemma.
B: I hope everything works out well.

나는 월세가 밀려서 돈을 좀 빌려야 했다.
I was behind on my rent, so I had to borrow some money.
I had to borrow some money because I was behind on my rent.

임대재계약을 하기 전에 아내와 상의해 봐야 합니다.
I should discuss with my wife before I renew the lease.
I need to talk with my wife beofre I renew the lease.

