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[2021.07.01.Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 Yogurt 요거트

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 1.

H: Do you like yogurts by any chance?
J: Not a huge fan of yogurts. Yes I have from time to time.
H: Why you don’t like that much?
J: Just don’t like taste.
H: You are not a yogurt person.
J: I’m not exactly a yogurt person but years ago, specially when like Greek yogurt really popular, I tried Greek yogurt. Not very tasty. It’s not sweet at all, unsweetened yogurt, that was what I tried.
H: A lot of people tend to get plain yogurt these days for health purpose. Actually, spray or sprinkle, granola, walnut, raisine. It’s a very healthy meal. For at least meal replacement for some people, I guess, specially for things like breakfast.

[Speaking] Talk about Yogurt
Yogurt is a health food, as it is filled with probiotics. Drinking yogurt is just the thing when you’re hungry or you have low blood sugar. If it seems too basic, you can mix nuts into the yogurt. They pair well together. I eat yogurt as a meal replacement these days, either for breakfast or dinner. I sprinkle granola on plain yogurt with no artificial additives. In the past, I enjoyed eating my fill for every meal. But these days I feel sluggish If I overeat like that. I started eating this way, when I mom began working as a yogurt lady. I got to sample the lastest releaseㄴ that my mom brought home. Now I am really into yogurt.

요거트는 유익균이 많아서 몸에 참 좋은 식품이다. 배가 고프거나 혈당이 떨어졌을 때, 요거트를 마시면 제격이다. 좀 밋밋하다 싶으면 요거트에 뭔가를 섞어 먹는 것도 아주 꿀조합이다. 나는 요즘 아침식사나 저녁식사 중 한끼 대용으로 요거트를 먹는다. 인공 첨가물이 없는 플레인 요거트에 위에 그래놀라를 뿌려 먹는다. 예전에는 삼시세끼를 배가 부를 때까지 먹는 걸 좋아했다. 그렇나 요즘은 그렇게 과식을 하고나면 몸이 무거워진다. 엄마가 요거트 레이디로 일하기 시작할 때, 이렇게 먹기 시작했다. 어머니가 집으로 가져오는 신제품 샘플들을 먹었다. 이제는 저는 요거트에 완전히 빠져있다.

as ~ 이기 때문에
just the thing 딱이다;제격이다
basic 밋밋한
pair well 꿀조합
meal replacement 식사 대용
sprinkle (위에 살짝) 뿌리다
sluggish 둔해지다
get to 하게 되다.

filled with probiotics 유익균이 많이 함유되어 있는
한국의 전통 음료 중에는 유익균 함유량이 많은 것들이 있습니다.
Some of Korean traditional drinks are filled with probiotics.
Some traditional Korean beverages are filled with probiotics.

have low blood sugar (levels)당이 떨어지다
나는 혈당이 떨어지면 집중이 잘 안 됩니다.
I struggle for concentrating when I have low blood sugar.
I can’t focus when I have low bood sugar.

meal replacement 식사 대용
물에 타서 식사대용으로 마시는 겁니다.
You mix it with water and drink it as a meal replacement.
You mix it with water and drink it as a meal replacement.

A: Do you make time for breakfast before you leave home every morning?
B: I usually make do with some yogurts for breakfast
A: Oh really?
B: Yeah. It’s really tasty if you mix in nuts and fruits
A: Wow, that sounds like it’s good for you, too.
B: Yeah, it’s quite filling as well.
* make time for 시간을 내다
* make do with ~ 떼운다
* mix in 구동사
* filling 포만감이 오는

유익균이 많은 음식을 먹는다고 모든 건강상의 문제 every health issue가 해결되는 것은 아니다.
All the problems with health can not be solved by foods filled with probiotics.
Eating foods filled with probiotiocs can’t solved every health issue.

나는 나이가 들면서 당이 떨어지는 일이 더 잦아 지는 것 같다
I often have low blood sugar, as I get aged.
I seem to have low blood sugar more often, as I get older.

정크푸드는 식사 대용으로 좋지 않다
Junk food is not good for a meal replacement.
Junk food is not a good meal replacement.

글루텐 프리 음식이 반드시 necessarily 몸에 좋은 것만은 아닌 것같다 I don’t think
Gluten-free foods are not always good for you.
I don’t think gluten-free food is necessarily good for you.

견과류는 꽤 포만감이 느껴져서 나는 등산을 갈 때 간식으로 챙겨갈 때가 많다.
Nuts are quite filling, so I often take them when I go hiking.
Nuts are quite filling, so I often bring them as a snack when I go hiking.

