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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.07.02.Fri] 입이 트이는 영어 Early-Morning Deliveries 새벽 배송

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 2.

J: Hello and welcome everyone to 입이 트이는 영어. I'm Jennifer Clyde.
H: Hello everyone, thank you for joining us once again on 입이 트이는 영어.
H: Okay, we have another great topic ready for all of you out there. Today, we'll be talking about Early-Morning Deliveries that we are so used now. When we order something online, we expect to arrive next day now. It becomes a norm.
H: Some people just take it for granted, I think. You get deliveries early morning quite often, don't you? You order groceries?
J: groceries, umm, just a whole bunch of stuff. There are certain items that I almost always order and have delivered.
H: It's not just you, almost around us, right?

[Speaking] Talk about Early-Morning Deliveries
Parcel delivery services in Korea are on another level. The best part is that deliveries are very quick. I think Early-Morning Deliveries are the top example of this. If you suddenly think of something and order groceries at night, they are delivered to you the very next morning. It's specially convenient that your orders are delivered right to your door.
One time, I was going to attend a housewarming party the next day at lunch, but it had slipped my mind. So I ordered a housewarming gift via rocket delivery. I received my order the next morning and I was able to bring my gift without an incident. I pay a monthly subscription fee for such quick deliveries but I never think it's a waste of money. However, I do worry about the delivery carriers who deliver early in the morning must have it rough. I hope that their working conditions will improve.

한국은 택배서비스가 정말 잘 되어 있습니다. 가장 좋은 점은 배달이 정말 빠르다는 것입니다. 가장 좋은 예가 새벽배송이 아닌가 합니다. 갑자기 뭔가가 생각나서 밤에 주문하면, 바로 다음날 아침에 배달됩니다. 주문한 것이 바로 현관문 앞에 배달되어 특히 편리합니다.
한번은, 다음날 점심때 집들이에 참석하기로 되어 있는데, 깜빡했습니다. 그래서 로켓 배송을 통해서 집들이 선물을 주문해서 다음날 아침에 받아서 무사히 집들이 선물을 들고 갈 수 있었습니다. 이러한 빠른 배송을 위해서 구독료를 지불하지만 돈낭비라고 전혀 생각하지 않습니다. 다만, 새벽에 배송을 해주시는 택배기사님들은 힘들거라고 걱정됩니다.
그분들의 근무환경이 개선되었으면 하는 바램입니다.

be on another level 차원(레벨)이 다르다
그 음식점의 디저트가 정말 끝내줘~
The desserts at the restaurant are on another level.
The dessert at that restaurant is on another level.
한국에는 인터넷 속도가 정말 차원이 다르게 빠르다
The speed of internet in Korea is on another level.
Internet speeds in Korea are on another level.

the very 바로
약을 먹고 바로 다음날 아침에 컨디션이 많이 좋아졌다
After taking a medicine, I felt better the very next day.
I took the medicine and I felft better the very next day.

pay a monthly subscription fee for 월 구독료를 지불하다
월 구독료를 지불해야 하지만, 첫달은 무료입니다.
You need to pay a monthly subscription fee, but the first month is free.
You have to pay a monthly subscription fee, but the first month is free.
월구독료를 내면, 광고를 시청하지 않아도 됩니다.
If you pay a monthly subscription fee, you don’t need to watch ads.
If you pay a monthly subscription fee, you don’t need to watch any ads.

A: What should I cook for my kids tomorrow?
B: I’m always worrying about that, too.
A: Still, it’s a good thing I can order groceries at night and have them delivered early in the morning.
B: That’s right. Even if you decide on tomorrow’s menu at night, you can make an order right away.
A: We live in a really convenient world these days.
B: You can say that again.

* It’s a good thing 참 좋다;다행이다
* make an order 주문 넣다
* You can say that again. 내 말이;누가 아니래니
  (상대방의 말에 전적으로 동의할 때)

그는 발표 실력이 아주 뛰어나다
His presentation skills are on another level.
His presentation skills are on another level.

우리는 바로 다음 날 아침에 해결책을 찾기 위한 회의를 했다.
We had a meeting to seek for solutions the very next morning.
We had a meeting to find a solution the very next morning.

구독료를 내야하지만 그리 비싸지 않다
I have to pay a monthly subscription fee, but it’s not that expensive.
I have to pay a monthly subscription fee, but it’s not very expensive.

나는 식료품을 인터넷으로 주문할 수 있어서, 마트에 갈 일이 거의 없다 rarely
Since I can order groceries online, I have nothing to go to a supermarket.
I rarely go to supermarkets since I can order gorceries online.

오늘은 모두가 바빠서 점심을 배달시켰다.
Everyone was busy today, so I had lunch delivered.
Everyone was busy today, so we had lunch delivered.

