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[2021..07.06.Tue] 입이 트이는 영어 How I Release Stress 스트레스 해소법

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 6.

[Speaking] Talk about How You Get Rid of Stress

I am an office worker in my 40s. I have been swamped with work at my job since my mid-30s and I have two kids. I've been stressed out in a lot of different ways. It hasn't been easy to relieve that stress. So, I signed up at a fitness center to decompress by exercising. I refer to Youtube videos and taugh myself how to workout. I exercised at least four times a week for an hour and half each time. I've been at it over four years now. I'm middle aged now but I'm maintaining my bodyfat at 15%. Recently, I studied to become a sports instructor. I received certification as a trainer on my first try. I was really happy because it made me feel like I was setting an exmaple for my kids.


저는 40대 직장인입니다. 30대 중반 이후로 회사 업무가 많아지고 두아이도 키우느라 여러가지로 스트레스를 많이 받게 되었습니다. 그러나 스트레를 푸는 게 쉽지 않더라구요.

그래서 피트니스 센터를 등록해서 운동으로 스트레스를 풀어보려고 했습니다. 유튜브 영상을 보면서 독학으로 운동하는 법을 배웠습니다. 최소한 일주일에 네번 가서 매번 한시간 30분정도 운동했습니다. 이렇게 한 지 벌써  4년이 넘었습니다.  현재 중년의 나이임에도 불구하고 체지방율을 15%로 유지하고 있습니다. 최근에 스포츠 지도사가 되기 위해 공부했고, 첫 도전에 트레이너 자격증을 취득했습니다. 아이들에게 귀감이 된 것 같아서 기분이 너무 좋았습니다. 


office worker 사무직 직종

production line worker 생산직 직종

swamp 늪

swamp (늪처럼) 너무 많다

I've been swmaped with work these days 요즘 일이 되게 많아

decompress; release; calm down; rewind

be at something 지속하다



be swamped with 너무 ~ 많다.

그는 항상 상당히 바쁜 척을 한다.

He pretends to be always swamped.

He always acts like he is swamped with work.


be at it ~하는 중이다

마감 시간을 지키기 위해 우리는 밤 늦게까지 until 일했다

We were at work late at night to keep the deadline.

We were at it until late at night to meet the deadline.


maintain one's body fat at 체지방을 ~ 수준으로 유지하다

나이가 들수록 체지방은 건강한 수준으로 유지하기 쉽지 않습니다. 

It's not easy to maintain one's bady fat at a healthy level, as one gets older.

It gets harder to maintain one's body fat at a healthy level, as one gets older.



A: How do you usually blow off steam?

B: I usually release stress by working out. I think exercise is the best solution.

A: I hear that a lot from people.

B: It's hard to get started, but exercise is fun once you try it.

   But above all else, you feel like a million bucks after you exercise

A: Really?

B: You should definitely get into it.

 * You feel like a million bucks기분이 너무 좋다.

 * get into it 시작하다



업무로 상당히 바쁠 때에도 그녀는 항상 웃고 있다

She is always smiling even when she is swamped with work.

Even when she is swamped with work, she is always smiling.


그들이 작년부터 계속 해왔지만, 그 프로젝트는 아직도 안끝나지 않았다.

They have been at it since last year, but the project hasn't been finished yet.

They have been at it since last year, but the project is still unfinished.

