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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.06.30.Wed]입이 트이는 영어 Overseas Work Environment외국의 근무환경

by Namaskara 2021. 6. 30.

[Speaking] Talk about the atmosphere of overseas work places

My first job was at a hotel that was located overseas. Nowadays, I work at a hotel in Korea. I don't usually dwell on the past, but the truth is that lately I often long for the good old days.

Everything was peachy when I worked overseas. I was such good friends with everyone that the word co-worker felt cold. My job never felt like hard work. Instead, I felt like I was just having a good time with friends. I could call my boss by his or her name. The work environment encouraged me to freely speak my mind.

Of course, the place where I work now is by no means a bad atmosphere. But sometimes it feels stuffy. Every place has its pros and cons. There is always something to learn, so the wise course of action would be to adjust and better myself.


저의 첫직장은 외국 소재 호텔이었다. 지금은 한국에 있는 호텔에 근무하고 있다. 나는 그렇다고 과거에 미련을 두거나 그런 편은 아니다. 그렇지만 요즘 부쩍 예전이 그리워지는 것은 사실이다.

외국에서 근무할 당시에는 모든 것이 좋았다. 동료라는 단어가 딱딱하게 들릴 정도로 모두 친구같은 존재였다. 내 일이 힘겹게 업무라고 느껴진 적은 없었다. 친구들과 즐거운 시간을 보내는 것처럼 느껴졌다. 그리고 상사를 이름으로 부를 수 있었다. 근무환경은 나의 의사를 자유롭게 말하도록 장려했다. 

물론 지금 근무처도 결코 않 좋은 환경은 아니다. 그러나 가끔 마음이 답답할 때가 있다. 어느 장소든 일장일단이 있다. 어디서나 배울 점이 있으니깐, 적응하고 스스로 발전해나가는 것이 올바른 행동일 것이다.


dwell 살다

dwell on the past 과거에 연연하다

feely speak one's mind 자연스럽게 의사표현을 하다

better; improve

the wise course of action 지혜로운 행동 방침



feel like hard work 힘겨운 일처럼 느껴지다.

시간이 지나면 after a while, 취미도 약간 일처럼 느껴질 수도 있다

As time goes by, even a hobby could feel like hard work.

Even a hobby can feel like hard wokr, after a while.


freely speak one's mind 자연스럽게 의사표현을 하다

나는 주로 아이들이 자유롭게 자기의사를 표현하도록 장려한다

I often encourage my children to freely speak their mind.

I encourage my kids to freely speak thier mind.


better oneself 스스로를 발전시키다

성공을 이미 한 사람이라도 스스로 발전하려는 노력을 꾸준히 always 해야 한다.

Even a person who is already successful should keep making efforts to better himself or herself.

You should always try to better yourself even if you're already successful.



A: Didn't you work in the States in the past?

B: Yes. I worked on the west coast for five years.

A: What was the work environment like there?

B: There was a mountain of work but we had flexible work hours.

   I especially remember the horizontal communication, regardless of job level. 



가끔 결혼생활이 고되게 느껴질 때도 있다

Marriage life sometimes feels like hard work.

Sometimes, being married feels like hard work.


나는 새로운 것을 배움으로써 스스로 발전하려고 노력한다

I try to better myself by learning something new.

I try to better myself by learning new things.

