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21.06.29.화 입이 트이는 영어 Converting the living room into a Study 거실의 서재화

by Namaskara 2021. 6. 29.

이현석: Have you ever heard about the idea of changing your living room into a study or at least somethingthat looks with a lot of books on the bookshelf?
제니퍼: Of course, I've heard a lot that is happening these days.
이현석: Do you know who people do that in the first place?
제니퍼: Maybe perhaps to creat, I guess, a book-friendly environment where children have, I guess, easy access to books.
이현석: Yes
제니퍼: Cause a lot of our parents are even getting rid of TVs in their living room and replacing TVs with books.
이현석: I think it's so wonderful idea, if you can do it.
제니퍼: Great option, sure
이현석: Because once the children actually step out into the living room, they will see like a library.
제니퍼: Yeah
이현석: Parents will be readling. Children will be reading. They will talk about books they can interact more, and I think it could be better than watching TV. I mean that watching TV is not a bad thing, but it could be
제니퍼: I think a lot of parents would rather prefer children...
이현석: read books?

[Speaking] Talk about converting a living room into a study.
Almost all parents raising kids probably searched online at least once for converting a living room into a study. In addition to infants and toddlers, studying in the living room is also said to be highly effective for students in elementary, middle, and high school. Testimonial videos of people who swear by this effect can easily be found on Youtubde.
The basic idea is literally to convert a living room, normally used for watching TV, into a study like atmosphere where people can read. Rather than a small room that is out of sight, the wide-open space of a living room helps people read books productively. It's also a good place to have conversations with your family.
Many parents want to raise their kids to become avid readers. Turning a living room into a study lets parents set an example, instead of forcing books on their kids.
아이를 키우는 부모라면, 거실의 서재화를 인터넷에 최소한 한번은 검색해봤을 수도 있다. 영유아뿐만 아니라, 초 중 고학생들도 거실에서 공부하는 것이 효과가 매우 좋다고 한다. 이러한 효과를 입증하는 후기 영상들을 유튜브에서 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있다.
기본 개념은 말 그대로 보통 TV를 보던 거실을 책을 볼 수 있는 서재와 같은 분위기로 바꾸는 것이다. 시선이 닿지 않은 작은 방보다는 넓고 열린 공간인 거실이 생산적인 책읽기를 가능하게 해준다. 또한 가족과 함께 대화를 나누기에도 좋은 공간이다.
책을 좋아하는 아이로 키우고 싶은 부모들이 많다. 아이에게 책읽기를 강요하는 대신 거실을 서재처럼 바꿔서 부모가 본보기를 보일 수 있게 된다.

infants and toddlers 영유아
infant 갓 태어난 아가
toddler 아장아장 걷는 아가
testimony (법적) 증언
testimonial video 후기 영상
customer review (일반적인) 후기
swear by: (~을 걸고) 맹세하다
avid 열성적으로 ~하는
I am an avid singer.
an avid listener 열혈 청취자

be highly effective 상당히 효과적이다
실험결과, 백신이 매우 효과적이라고 나왔다
The test turned out that the vaccine is highly effective.
The test results revealed that the vccine is highly effective.

swear by ~의 효과를 확신하다;보장하다
그 브랜드가 좋다고 확신하는 사람들도 있지만, 내게는 가격대가 비쌉니다.
Some people swear by the brand but it's a bit expensive to me.
Some people swear by that brand but it's too expensive for me.

set an example 모범이 되다;귀감이 되다
나는 항상 우리아이들에게 모범을 보이려고 노력하는 편이다.
I always try to set an example for our children.
I always try to set an example for our kids.

A: Oh I see you've converted your living room into a study.
B: That's right. I want the kids to develop the habits of reading in the living room
A: Oh really?
B: Yes. Sometimes everyone in the family has their nose stuck in a book.
A: That's wodnerful.
B: We have a lot of deep conversations and we can control our screen time. I highly recommend it.

유학을 가면 효과가 아주 좋을 수도 있다.
Studying abroad could be highly effective.
Studying aborad can be highly effective.

훌륭한 교사는 학생들에게 모범을 보여야 한다.
The good teacher should set an example for students.
The good teacher should set an example for the students.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr
입이 트이는 영어 Converting the living room into a Study 거실의 서재화

