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21.06.28.월 입이 트이는 영어 Sticky Rice Cakes 떡

by Namaskara 2021. 6. 28.

[Speaking] Talk about Sticky Rice Cakes
I have a soft spot for tteok떡 or Rice Cakes. It's a snack that's ever-present at various Korean events. Tteok떡 is a national snack of Korea, and there is a wide variety of types. A tteok떡's type depends on its ingredients, the season in which it's made, and the type of events it is used for.
Sirutteok시루떡 is made using roasted red beans and sticky rice. Back in the old days, it was thought to chase away ghosts and prevent bad luck. That's why even now, it's widely used when people move or start a business.
Garaetteok가래떡 is made to be used when cooking rice cake soup on New Year's day. But even apart from rice cake soup, 가래떡 is just the ticket when you have a craving for a light snack. You can store it in the freezer , then you can take it out, toast it and dip it in grain syrup. It's also the perfect ingredient for making Tteokbokki 떡뽁이, as a children's snack or as bar bites.

나는 떡을 정말 좋아한다. 한국의 다양한 행사에서 늘 볼 수 있는 간식이다. 떡은 우리나라의 국민간식이고 종류도 정말 다양하다. 떡의 종류는 재료나 만드는 계절, 그리고 떡이 사용되는 행사에 따라 결정된다.
시루떡은 볶은 팥과 찹쌀을 이용해서 만든다. 예로부터, 시루떡은 귀신을 쫓아내고 액운을 막아준다고 알려져 있다.
그래서 지금도 이사하거나 개업할 때, 시루떡이 많이 이용된다.
가래떡은 새해 첫날 떡국을 끓여 먹기 위해 만드는 떡이다. 그러나 떡국 뿐만 아니라, 가벼운 간식을 먹고 싶을 때도 안성맞춤이다. 냉동실에 보관했다가 꺼내서 구운 다음 조청에 찍어 먹으면 된다. 가래떡은 아이들 간식이나 술안주로 떡복이를 만드는 데도 최고의 재료이다.

have a soft spot for (너무 좋아해서)마음약해진다
ever-present 쭉 이어온, 빠지지 않는
sticky rice 찹쌀(단수로만 사용)
have a craving for [음식]이 너무 땡긴다
be craving [음식]
bar bites 술안주 finger food;bar food
(not meal, but small individual portions of food)
is just the ticket 딱이다; 안성맞춤이다 


21.10.06.수 영국영어 That is just the ticket 그게 나한테 딱 필요한 거야.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Wednesday the 6th of October. Happy hump day! I’d like to say these words a lot,happy, lovely, wonderful, and brilliant. Be happy for this momnet listene..


have a soft spot for 몹시 좋아하다
단 거를 그리 좋아하는 편은 아닌데, 아이스크림만은 정말 좋아한다.
I don't really enjoy something sweet, but I have a soft spot for ice-cream.
I don't like sweet foods, but I have a soft spot for ice-cream.
우리 아빠는 어머니가 하는 음식을 너무너무 좋아하신다
My father has a soft spot for the foods my mother cooks
My daddy has a soft spot for my mom's cooking.

prevent bad luck 액운을 막아주다
미신인 줄 알지만, 그래도 이것이 액운을 막는다고 믿는다
I know it's a myth, but I believe this prevents bad luck
I know it's a superstition, but I believe this prevents bad luck

have a craving for [음식] 음식이 당긴다
밤 늦은 시간에 치킨이 먹고 싶을 때가 많다
I often have a craving for fried chicken late at night.
I often have a craving for fried chicken late at night.

A: Do you like 떡 tteok?
B: Sure. I can't get enough of it.
I have one for breakfast every morning.
A: Oh! Really?
B: Yeah. It's great as a quick breakfast.
A: I usually have an enery bar or something.
Eating tteok sounds like a great idea.
B: Try searching online. You'll be spoiled for choice.
You can get regular deliveries if you want.
* I can't get enough of it 없어서 못 먹어; 먹어도 먹어도 질리지 않아
* spoiled for choice; there are many many choices 종류가 많아도 너무 많다

우리 남편은 로맨틱 코메디 영화를 매우 좋아한다
My husband has a soft spot for romcom movies.
My husband has a soft spot for romantic comedies.

아내는 임신 중에 딸기를 먹고 싶어 할 때가 자주 있었다
My wife often had a craving for strawberries when she was in pregnancy.
My wife often had a craving for strawberries when she was pregnant.

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입이 트이는 영어 Sticky Rice Cakes 떡

