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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.07.29.Thu] 입이 트이는 영어 People Who Gave Up On Math 수포자

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 29.

[Speaking] Talk about studying Math in School
Math was a thorn in my side all thoughout high school. I invested a lot of time in math, but my math scores in practice tests always fell short of expectations.
That's why I can really relate to people who give up on math. In college, I was over the moon that I didn't have to study math anymore. During those years, I forgot all about math. But as I help my son with his studies these days, I feel the thirst for math again. I've started watching hight math lectures on EBS whenever I get the chance.
It's been over 20 years, since I graduated from high school and math doesn't feel imposing to me anymore. In fact, it feels more like an enjoyable hobby.

수학이라는 과목은 고등학교 내내 나를 징그럽게 괴롭혔습니다. 시간을 많이 투자했는데, 모의고사에서 수학점수가 늘 기대에 못 미쳤습니다. 그래서 저는 수포자, 수학을 포기한 자의 마음을 너무 잘 이해합니다. 대학가서 더 이상 수학을 공부할 필요가 없어서, 날아갈 것처럼 좋았다. 이 기간 동안 수학을 완전히 잊고 살았습니다. 그런데 요즘 아들 공부를 도와주다보니 수학에 대한 목마름을 다시 느낀다. 그래서 EBS의 고교수학강의를 틈나는대로 보기 시작했다. 고등학교 졸업한지 20년이 훌쩍 지났고, 수학은 내게 더이상 부담스러운 존재는 아닙니다. 지금은 즐거운 취미생활같이 느껴진다.

thorn 가시
my side 옆구리
a thorn in my side 지속적으로 괴롭히는 것
fall short of expectation 기대에 못 미쳤습니다.
relate to 공감하다
whenever I get the chance 기회가 생길 때마다;틈나는대로
feel imposing 억누르는 느낌;부담을 주다

over the moon; extremely happy

2021.08.31 - [2021.08.31.Tue] 영국영어 She'll be over the moon with this gift. 그녀는 이 선물로 매우 기뻐할 거야.


[2021.08.31.Tue] 영국영어 She'll be over the moon with this gift. 그녀는 이 선물로 매우 기뻐할 거야.

EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 고품격 브리티시 포쉬 엑센트 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Tuesday the 31th of August. Well, today is the last day of the month. How do you feel? Any regret? What..


a thorn in one's side 지속적으로 괴롭히는 것
우리 결혼한 이후에 금전적인 문제가 항상 우리를 어렵게 만들었다
Since our marriage, financial issues have been a thorn in our sides.
Money problems were a thorn our side after we got married.

fall short of expectations 기대에 못 미치다
휴대폰 판매량이 기대에 못 미쳤다.
The sales amount of mobile phones fell short of expectations.
Sales of the phone fell short of expectations.
그 작가의 신간 소설이 좀 실망스러웠다.
The writer's newly released novel fell short of expectations.
The author's latest novel fell short of expectations.

feel imposing 부담스럽게 느껴지다
건물 입구에서 부터 위압감이 느껴졌다.
The building felt imposing to me even from the entrance.
The building entrance felt imposing to me.

A: Were you good at math when you were a student?
B: No. It was one of my worst subjects.
A: Me, too. I don't know why I struggle with math so much.
B: Sometimes, it was so difficult to understand that I broke down in tears.
A: Really?
B: Yes. It was a traumatic experience for me.
* break down in tears = break into tears

우리가 처음 만났을 때부터 그녀는 나를 괴롭혀 왔다
She has been a thorn in my side since we first met.
She has been a thorn in my side since we first met.

내 생각에는 음식이 기대한 것마늠 맛있지 않았다
I think the dish fell short of expectations.
I think the food fell short of expectations.

그 책이 처음에는 어렵게 느껴질 수 도있다
The book can feel imposing at first.
The book can feel imposing at first.

나는 수학을 잘하는 사람들이 존경스럽다
I respect people who are good at math.
I admire people who are good at math.

나는 학교 다닐 때 영어가 가장 자신없는 과목이었다.
English was one of my worst subjects during school.
Egnlish was my worst subject back in school.

