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[2021.07.30.Fri] 입이 트이는 영어 State Scholarships 국가 장학금

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 30.

S: Let me ask you a question. Did you get any scholarships when you were going to school, in college maybe?
J: In college, when I applied college, I got accepted and they also offered a scholarship. So that was for a year of my freshment year in college
S: With your acceptance letter, they actually offered you a scholarship program, which is good.
S: Similar thing happened to me. They offered me a scholarship when I first granted. In my sophomore year, I was sent as an exchange student to Tenesse…
J: Then, you received a scholarship?
S: They paid for the tuition, of course. And they partially paid for the living expenses I think.
     In my memory, I think it was like $ 5,000 every semester.

[Speaking] Talk about State Scholarships.
State Scholarships are an institution that allows college students to immerse themselves in their studies by easing the burden of tuition. The scholarships are paid by the Korea Student Aid Foundation. Households are divided into 10 levels depending on household income as defined by Statistics Korea. The amount paid depends on that level.
Many students have reaped the benefits of the scholarship system. It has also lessened the financial burden for their parents. The Korea Student Aid Foundation also provides student loans and loans for living expenses. This provides opportunities for students from cash-strapped families to study. The system’s benefits give many students a chance to pursue their dreams.

국가장학금이란 대학생의 등록금 부담을 덜어주어 학업에 전념할 수 있게 하는 제도이다. 한국장학재단이 장학금을 지급한다.통계청이 정한 가계 소득에 따라 10분위로 나뉘게 되는데, 그 기준에 따라 장학금 지급액수도 달라진다. 그에 따라서 장학금 액수가 달라집니다.
이 장학금 제도로 많은 학생들이 혜택을 보고 있고, 부모들의 경제적인 부담도 줄어 주고 있다.한국장학재단은 학자금대출 및 생활 자금 대출도 해주고 있다. 이는 가장 형편이 어려운 학생들에게도 공부할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 이 제도의 혜택을 통해서 많은 학생들이 꿈을 펼칠 수 있는 기회를 갖게 됩니다.

pursue their dreams  꿈을 펼치다;추구하다;좇아가다
cash-strap; 현금이 부족한; 가정형편이 어려운
student loans 학자금 대출
household income 가계소득
reap 이익을 얻다;수확하다
reap the benefits 혜택을 받은

ease the burden of something ~의 부담을 줄어주다.
더 낮은 금리가 이자를 내는 부담을 줄여줄 것입니다.
A lower interest rate will ease the burden of loan.
A lower interest rate will ease the burden of paying for interest.
육아 parenting의 부담을 어떻게 하면 우리가 줄일 수 있을가요?
How can we ease the burden of raising kids?
How can we ease the burden of parenting?

reap the benefits 혜택을 보고 있다.
누구든지 지원만 하면 혜택을 누릴 수 있다.
Whoever only applies can reap the benefits.
Anyone who applies can reap the benefits.

cash-strapped 경제 형편이 어려운
나 여행다니면서 돈이 좀 부족했다
I was cash-strapped during my journey.
I was cash-strapped throughout my trip.
그 정책의 목표는 경제형편이 어려운 가정을 돕는 것이었다.
The policy aims at helping cash-strapped households.
The policy is meant to aid cash-strapped families.

A: How are you paying for your son’s tuition?
B: He receives a state scholarship that covers part of the costs.
A: Oh really?
B: And we help out with the rest
A: Is your son getting good grades?
B: Yes. He is a hard worker so he does well in school.
*He is doing better in school. 학교에서 성적이 좋아지고 있어요
*He is doing worse in school. 학교에서 성적이 떨어지고 있어요
*He is doing terrible in school 학교에서 제대로 공부 안 함 ㅋㅋ


집안일의 부담을 어떻게 줄일 수 있을까?
How can we ease the burden of household chores?
How can we ease the burden of housework?

혜택을 누리려면 내년까지 기다려야 할 것이다.
We will have to wait until next year to reap the benefits.
You will have to wait until next year to reap the benefits.

그 음식점은 돈이 넉넉지 않은 학생들 사이에서 인기가 좋다.
The restaurant is popular among cash-strapped students.
That restaurant is popular among cash-strapped students.

그는 성실하지만, 아직도 배울 것이 많다
He is a hard worker, but still has much to learn
He is a hard worker, but he still has a lot to learn.

우리 누나들은 둘 다 학교 성적이 우수했다.
Both of my sisters did well in school.
Both of my sisters did well in school.

