EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr
영어 스피킹 전문 프로그램
입이 트이는 영어
J: Today, we’ll be talking about why marriage is a difficult issue. Why is marriage difficult? why do people think marriage is just difficult?
H: Becaus of everything. so many issues.
J: Some people may not think that marriage is difficult.
H: More and more people are thinking that marriage is difficult, though.
J: I think I would say ‘more than difficult’ I would say it’s complicate
[Speaking] Talk about What Makes Marriage such a Difficult Issue. 결혼은 왜 어려운 문제인가.
When they are young and naive, people believe they can live happily ever after with the love of their life based on nothing but true feelings. But as we get older, we learn that meeting that right person is no easy task.
With marriage, you need to think about real world issues such as your personalities, set of values, lifestyle patterns, economic situation, and whether you want kids. It’s so hard to satisfy these conditions that many people give up on getting married altogher. That’s why the average age at first marriage is rising in Korea as well as the number of those choosing not to get married.
Various social activities and communities are growing, but it’s harder than ever to meet a good partner. But social backgrounds and economic concerns are not everything in meeting your ideal spouse. I think each person’s state of mind is the most important factor of all.
어리고 순진할 때는 진실된 감정만으로 사랑하는 사람과 오래도록 행복하게 살 수 있다고 믿습니다. 그러나 나이가 들면서, 그 맞는 사람을 만난다는 것이 쉽지 않은 일이라는 것을 깨닫게 됩니다.
결혼에 있어서, 성격과 가치관, 생활습관, 경제적인 여건,출산계획 등 현실적인 문제들을 생각할 필요가 있습니다. 이러한 조건들을 충족시키기 너무 어려워서 많은 사람들이 결혼 자체를 포기하게 됩니다. 그래서 한국에서 평균 초혼 연령은 점점 올라가고 있고, 비혼을 선택하는 이들의 숫자도 늘고 있습니다.
여러 사회활동과 모임은 늘어나고 있지만, 좋은 짝을 만나다는 것은 그 어느 때보다 어려워지고 있습니다. 사회적 배경이나 경제적 조건이 좋은 배우자를 만나는 데 전부는 아닙니다. 가장 중요한 것은 개인의 마음가짐이라고 생각한다.
set of values 가치관,
[비교급] than ever 그 어느 때 보다 [비교급]하다.
concern 관심사
economic concerns 경제적으로 고려해야 할 요인
state of mind 마음가짐;가치관
altogether 아예
the love of their life 가장 사랑하는 사람
나는 내 운명의 짝을 고등학교 때 만났다.
I met the love of my life in high school.
I met the love of my life in high school.
economic situation 경제적 여건
우리는 경제적 여건 때문에 이사를 가야했습니다.
We had to move in due to economic situation.
We had to move because of our economic situation.
give up on [명사/동명사] 포기하다
우리는 올해 해외여행은 포기해야 할 should 것같다 I think
We may give up on traveling abroad this year.
I think we should give up on traveling abroad this year.
A: Marriage is really a tricky issue.
결혼이 좀 까다로운 문제야
B: It’s true. More than anything, you have to be prepared to meet that special someone.
맞아. 무엇보다, 운명의 상대를 만날 준비가 되어 있어야해
A: I think you’re right.
B: Even when someone is considering tying the know, it’s hard to meet Mr. or Mrs right.
결혼을 생각한다 하더라도, 막상 내 짝을 만나기 쉽지 않아
A: It feels like the problem is only getting worse.
문제는 결혼이 점점 안 좋아지는것 같애
B: Yes. That’s why more and more people are choosing not to get married at all.
맞아. 그래서 아예 비혼을 택하는 사람들이 늘고 있어
[Composition] 1/3
나 어젯밤에 운명의 짝을 만난 것 같애
I think I met the love of my life last night.
I think I met the love of my life last night.
올해 나의 금전적인 상황이 나아졌다I’m better with my economic situation this year.
My economic situation improved this year.
나는 좌석을 찾는 것을 그만 포기했다.
I gave up on getting my seat.
I gave up on find a seat.
적절한 보상은 어려운 문제다
Proper compensation is a tricky issue.
Proper compensation is a tricky issue.
우연히 운명의 상대를 만날 거라고 기대해서는 안된다
You shouldn’t expect to bump into that special person.
You can’t expect to meet that special person by chance.
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