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2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.01.04.월 She is down to earth. 그녀는 현실적이야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2023. 1. 4.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 4th of January.
If you want to start a seriously fulfilling life, you need to level up the way you approach each month.
Take time to think about what you want this month, what you would like to improve on, what you’d like to get rid of.
You have the answers and you know what to do.
Let’s rock it!

현상을 있는 그대로 보는 그녀에게 쓸 수 있는 표현은?

** down to earth 지구에 다다른 (막상 지구에 다다르면 의식주를 생각하는 등 지극히 현실적이게 됨)
** 의역: 현실적인, 실제적인 세상 물정에 밝은

A: 자신감을 강화하고 싶다면,
If you want to strenthen your self-cofidence,
If you want to amp up your confidence.
여행하는 동안 hitchhiking을 해보렴
try hitchhiking during your trip.
hitchhikie while travelling.
B: 친구야 제발 나에게 현실적인 조언을 해줘.
Mate, please give me some down to earth travelling tips.
Mate, please give me down to earth travelling tips.

** amplify 증폭하다; 증폭시키다 => amp
** amp up 강하게 하다; 강렬하게 하다.

A: 그녀는 현실적이야.
She is down to earth.
She is down to earth.
그녀는 결혼 전에 혼전 계약서에 서명했대.
She signed the pre-wed contract before her marriage.
She signed a prenuptial agreement before marriage.
B: 그런 게 아니야.
That’s not true.
It’s not like that.
그렇게 강요하도록 당했어.
She was enforced to do it.
She was forced to do so.

[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그는 매우 현실적이고 정말 실용적인 사람이야.
He is really down to earth and really practical.
He is very down to earth and is a real utilitarian.

때때로 그녀는 현실적이지만,
Sometimes she is down to earth
Sometimes she is down to earth
약간 순진하기도 해.
but also a bit innocent.
but a bit naive.

그는 현실적인 의사야.
He is a doctor down to earth.
He is a doctor who is down to earth.

만약 너가 ( ) 의사를 찾고 있다면,
If you’re looking for a doctor
If you’re looking for a doctor
(현실적이고 박식한)
who is down to earth and knowledgeable,
who is down to earth and very knowledgeable,
그가 너한테 딱 맞아.
he is just the one for you.
he is the guy for you.

[Speak Like a Brit]
B: 친구야 제발 나에게 현실적인 실제적인 조언을 해줘
Mate, please give me down to earth practical advice.

A: 그녀는 현실적이야. 그녀는 평화조약에 서명했어.
She is down to earth. She signed a peace treaty.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 She is down to earth 그녀는 현실적이야

