You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Wednesday the 6th of January.
Happy Hump day!
One said “I don’t regret the things I’ve done. I regret the things I didn’t do when I had a chance.”
Listeners! You have the chance, the opportunity to study with me.
Don’t miss it. Don’t regret it.
All you need to do is stay with me for 10 minutes and shout out the main sentences.

** afford [명사;to 부정사] 여유가 되다; 여력이 되다
** afford the time 시간을 낼 여유가 되다
** couldn’t afford the time 시간을 낼 여유가 없었다.
A: 미안한데 시간을 낼 수 없었어.
Sorry, but I couldn’t afford the time.
Sorry, but I couldn’t afford the time.
B: 나 배신당한 기분이야.
I feel like I got betrayed.
I feel like I’ve been sold down the river.
** sell someone down the river **
** 누구를 팔아넘기다 => 배신하다
** 유래: 과거 미국의 노예 암거래가 주로 미시시피 강가에서 이루어진 것에서 유래
A: 그녀는 여기에 올 시간을 낼 수 없었어.
She couldn’t afford the time to come here.
She couldn’t afford the time to come here.
B: 전혀 모르겠어. 난 그냥 5파운드 fiver만 부탁했는데,
It beats me. I just asked for 5 pounds.
It beats me. I just asked for a fiver.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
난 정말 원했던 집을 살 여유가 없어서
I couldn’t afford to buy the house I really wanted
I couldn’t afford the house I really wanted
차선 second best에 만족해야 했어.
so I had to get satisfied with the next best.
so I had to settle for second best.
그녀의 가족은 너무 가난해서
Her family was so poor
Her family was so poor
그녀에게 새 옷을 사줄 여유가 없었어.
that they couldn’t afford the new clothes for her.
so that they couldn’t afford her new clothes.
그들은 ( ) 시간이나 힘을 낼 수가 없었어.
They couldn’t afford the time or power
They couldn’t afford the time or energy
( 공식적인 formal 요식 체제 bureaucracy를 수립할)
to establish an official system.
to setup a formal bureaucracy.
** Bureaucracy is a system for controlling or managing country, company, or organization.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 미안한데 그 문제를 다를 시간을 낼 수가 없었어.
Sorry, but I couldn’t afford the time to address the problem.
B: 난 다시 배신당한 기분이야.
I feel like I’ve been sold down the river again.
21.01.05.화 We've got to address the problem. 우리는 그 문제를 다루어야 해. [권주현의 진짜 영국 영어]
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 5th of January. There are great ways to really enjoy this month. ##### ##### ##### In January days are short and night..
A: 그녀는 우리를 방문할 시간을 낼 수 없었어.
She couldn’t afford the time to visit us.
B: 그녀를 이해하지 못하겠어.
I can’t understand her.
그냥 그냥 5파운드만 부탁했는데, 말이지.
I just asked for a fiver.
** 5 파운드 지폐 fiver
** 10 파운드 지폐 tenner
출처 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I can't afford the time. 시간을 낼 여유가 없었어.