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2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.01.11.월 It is selling like hot cakes. 그건 불티나게 팔리고 있어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2023. 1. 11.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 11th of January.
How to fill great and **ful feeling life?
Being satisfied and happy is a feeling, which comes as a result of our selecting and focused daily actions.
When you accept responsibility for your life and start creating good situations, all areas of your life will improve.
Well, when you focus on positive actions, your life will become much better. Then you have a fulfilling life.
Ready for this? Let’s get started.

** hot cakes 쉽고 먹을 수 있고, 조리시간도 짧기 때문에, 단시간에 대량 판매가 가능한 음식
** sell(go) like hot cakes 불티나게 팔리다

A: 요즘 모든 사람들이 스맛폰 감옥을 가지고 있어.
These days all the people have their own smart phone prison.
These days everyone has mobile phone jail.
B: 그건 옥외 광고판 효과 덕분에 불티나게 팔리고 있어.
It’s selling like hot cakes, thanks to the banner outside.
It’s selling like hot cakes, thanks to the hoarding effect.
** 옥외 광고판 hoarding; billboard(미국식)

A: 축제 후에, 그녀의 닭다리 양말이 불티나게 팔렸어.
Her chicken leg socks sold like hot cakes after the festival.
Her chicken leg’s socks sold like hot cakes after the festival.
B: 알아. 그건 가성비가 좋아.
I know. It’s cheap and cheerful.
I know. It’s cheap and cheerful.



[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그 표는 평상시 처럼 불티나게 팔렸어.
The ticket sold like hot cakes as usual.
The ticket were selling like hot cakes as usual.

듣자하니 apparently, 그 새 책은 불티나게 팔리고 있어
As I heard, the new book is selling like hot cakes.
The new book is apparently selling like hot cakes.

그녀는 새 책을 출간했는데,
She released a new book
She released her new book
듣자하니 불티나게 팔리고 있어.
which is apparently selling like hot cakes.
which is apparently selling like hot cakes.

이 상품은 다시 불티나게 팔리고 있지만,
This item is selling like hot cakes again.
This item is selling like hot cakes again.
but don’t worry
but don’t worry
넌 지금 그것을 사전예약 pre-order 할 수 있으니깐,
because you can now book it in advance.
as you can pre-order it now.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 요즘 거의 모든 사람들이 스맛폰 감옥을 가지고 있대요
These days, almost everyone has mobile phone jail.
B: 듣자하니깐, 그건 옥외광고판 때문에 불티나게 팔리고 있어.
It’s apprently selling like hot cakes thanks to the hoarding effects.

A: 퍼레이드 후에 그녀의 닭다리 양말이 불티나게 팔렸어.
Her chicken leg’s socks sold like hot cakes after the parade.
B: 맞아. 사실 그건 가성비가 좋아.
Yes. In fact, it’s cheap and cheerful.


21.02.01. 월 It is cheap and cheerful. 그건 가성비가 좋아. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Monday the 1st of February. Today is the first day of the month. Well, how can we avoid the Monday blues? Well, make sure yourself you're happy, be positive, make a list of the things you'r..


출처 EBS 라디오 오학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It is selling like hot cakes. 그건 불티나게 팔리고 있어.

