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2020 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.01.29.금 She is on track. 그녀는 궤도에 올랐어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2023. 1. 29.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio.
Today is Friday, the 29th of January. There are some great tips to learn English quickly. There are loads of English speaking programs out there for you. Subscribe to a few channels and listen. At first, you might find the native accent difficult but stick with it. You will soon start to understand what you hear. So, Listeners! You are at the right place. Stay with me and enjoy the class.

According to the 10,000 hours rule written by Malcolm Gladwell, one should spend more than 10,000 hours to become an expert at certain level.

직역: 그녀는 궤도 위에 있다 => 궤도에 올랐다 (성공가도를 달리는 중)

A: 그녀는 시간을 되돌리고 싶지 않다고 말했어.
She said she didn’t want to turn the dial back.
She said she doesn’t want to turn back the clock.
B: 결국 그녀는 궤도에 올랐고, 대학교에 입학했어.
She was finally on track, and entered college.
Eventually she is on track and enrolled in University.

A: 그 회사는 기록적인 수익을 내기 위한 궤도에 올랐어.
The company is on track to make recording profits.
The company is on track to make record profits.
B: 꾸준히 노력하면 성공하지.
Steady efforts bring a success.
Steady does it.
(=Slow and steady wins the race)

[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그녀는 자신의 목표를 달성하기 위한 궤도에 오른 것처럼 생각해 feel like.
She thinks she is on track to achieve her goals.
She feels like she is on track to meet her goals.

난 그가 이 사업에서 수석코치가 되기 위한 궤도에 올랐다고 생각해.
I think he is on track to be a head coach in this business.
I think he is on track to be a head coach in this business.

그녀는 25세까지 억만장자가 되기 위한 궤도에 올랐음에도 불구하고
Even though she is on track to be a billionaire by 25,
Even though she is on track to be a billionaire by the age of 25,
나에게 사과하기 위해 월요일에 연락했어.
she contacted me on Monday to apologize.
she contacted me on Monday to apologise.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그녀는 시간을 되돌리고 싶지 않다고 말했어.
She said she doesn’t want to turn back the clock.
B: 마침내 그녀는 궤도에 올랐고, 대학교에 입학했어.
At last, she is on track, and enrolled in University.

A: 그 회사는 생산량을 크게 늘리기 위한 궤도에 올랐어.
The company is on track to significantly increase production.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 She is on track. 그녀는 궤도에 올랐어.

