Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio
Happy 설날! Today is Friday the 12th of February.
Today is 설날, Lunar New Year's Day here in Korea.
Of course, the main dish of the day is 떡국, a traditonal soup made with sliced rice cakes.
Having a plenty of them since in Korea eating 떡국 is believed to symbolise starting off the year with clean mind and body. Let's start off the today with positive attitude.
친구가 믿기 어려운 얘기(UFO 등)를 계속 할 때?

** buy 사다 => 어떤 것을 사는 것 자체가 물건의 품질에 대한 신뢰 하에 행하는 행동 => 믿다 to believe that something is true
A: 회사가 월급을 쥐꼬리 만큼 줘서
My company pays me very little
My company pays me peanuts
제가 이걸 감당할 수 없겠어요.
so I can’t afford it.
so I can’t handle this.
B: 저는 안 믿어요. 지난 주에 복권에 당첨되셨잖아요.
I don’t buy it. You won the lottery last week.
I don’t buy it. You won the lottery last week.
** peanut 땅콩; 쥐꼬리만한 액수(peanuts)
A: 오늘은 군부대를 공개하는 날이야.
Today is an open house of military troops.
Today is an open day at a military camp.
여길 방문해주면 pay a visit, 원하는 게 뭐든 다 해줄게.
If you visit here, I will do whatever you want.
If you pay a visit here, I will do whatever you want.
B: 난 안 믿어. 돈이나 갚아.
I don’t buy it. Just pay me back.
I don’t buy it. Just pay me back.
** open day 학교/기관 등을 일반 대중에게 공개하는 날 open house(미국식)
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그는 길을 잃은 너에 대한 너 이야기를 결코 믿지 않을거야.
He will never buy the story about you who get lost your way.
He will never buy that story about you getting lost.
난 더 이상 너의 바보같은 변명을 믿지 않을거야.
I won’t buy your foolish excuses anymore
I’m not going to buy your stupid excuses anymore.
난 그녀에게 우리가 단지 친구였다고 말했지만,
I told her we were just friends,
I told her we were just friends,
그녀는 그것을 믿지 않았어.
She didn’t buy it.
She wasn’t buying it.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 현재 회사 월급을 쥐꼬리 만큼 줬어요.
My current company pays me peanuts.
제가 이걸 감당할 순 없겠어요.
I can’t handle this.
B: 안 믿어. 당신이 복권에 당첨되었다는 걸 나는 알고 있어.
I don’t buy it. I know you won the lottery.
A: 오늘은 소방서를 공개하는 날이에요.
Today is an open day at a fire station.
여길 방문해주면, 원하는 게 뭔든 다 해줄게요.
If you pay a visit here, I’ll do whatever you want.
B: 안 믿어. 그 얘긴 그만하자.
I don’t buy it. Let’s stop talking about it.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I don't buy it. 난 안 믿어.
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