Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday, the 15th of February.
How to you feel great and live a fulfilling life?
Being satisfied and happy is a feeling which comes as a result of our selected and focused daily actions.
When you accept responsibility for your life and start creating good situations, all areas of your life will improve.
When you focus on positive actions, your life will become much much better.
The positive attitude and thought will bring you to a different league of your life.
Ready for that? then let's get started.
** absent-minded 마음이 부재인 => 딴데 정신이 팔린; 건망증이 심한
A: 그는 정신줄을 놓고 다니네. 무슨 일이 있었어?
He is absent-minded. What happened to him?
He is absent-minded. What happened to him?
B: 그는 돌봐야할 가족이 있는데, 충동적으로 직장을 그만 뒀어.
He has family to take care but he quit his job on a whim.
He has family to take care of, but quit his job on a whim.
** whim 일시적인 기분; 변동
** on a whim 충동적으로; 즉흥적으로
A: 그 건망증이 심한 선생님은 항상 책 가져오는 걸 잊어.
The absent-minded teacher always forgets to bring a book.
The absent-minded teacher always forgets to bring his book.
B: 그 분의 수업은 아주 좋으니깐, 상관없지 뭐야.
His class is really good, so it doesn’t matter.
Doesn’t matter because his class is jolly good.
** jolly = great
** jolly good 아주 좋아, 상대방의 의견에 동의할 때
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
나는 정신 줄을 놓고 있었다고 생각했어.
I thought I was absent-minded.
I thought I was being absent-minded.
그는 뛰어난 과학자이지만, 가망없이hopelessly 정신줄을 놓고 다녀.
He is an excellent scientist, but absent-minded.
He is a brilliant scientist, but hopelessly absent-minded.
그 얘는 가끔씩 정신줄을 놓을 수 있지만,
She can sometimes be absent-minded,
She could be absent-minded at times,
분명히 바보는 아니야.
but definitely not a fool.
but definitely not a stupid.
** at time 가끔 sometimes
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그는 정신줄을 놓고 다니네. 여기에 무슨 일 있어?
He is absent-minded. What’s going on here?
B: 그는 돌봐야할 가족이 있는데, 즉시 직장을 그만뒀어.
He has family to take care of but quit his job immediately.
A: 그 건망증이 심한 선생님은 항상 사무실을 잠그는 것을 잊어.
The absent-minded teacher always forgets to lock his office.
B: 그의 연설은 아주 좋으니깐 상관없어.
Doesn’t matter because his speech is jolly good.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 He is absent-minded. 그는 정신 줄을 놓고 다녀
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