Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Thursday, the 11th of February.
Off the great start? I believe so.
Have a great start of it and share the spirit with me.
Make sure you have a safe, happy and meaningful day.
All you need to do is pay attention and shout out the sentences with me.
자기 할 일 안하고 놀고 있을 때?

** pull one’s weight 무게를 끌어당기다 => 배에서 돛을 올리기 위해 선원 모두가 협동하여 밧줄을 당기는 것에서 유래 => 각자 자기 몫을 당겨야 나머지 동료가 힘들지 않음 => 자기 몫을 하다.
A: 그는 자기 몫을 안 하고 있어요.
He’s not pulling his weight.
He’s not pulling his weight.
그는 하는 척만 하고 있어요.
He’s just pretending to do it.
He’s just going through the motions.
B: 입 좀 다물어 주셔야겠네요
You’better shut your mouth.
You’ve got to hold your tongue.
** hold your tongue 혀를 잡다 => 입을 다물다; 조용히 하다; 말하지 않다 = cat got your tongue
A: 많은 사람들이 너가 자기 몫을 안 한다고 불평했었어.
Many people complained that you weren’t pulling your weight.
Many had complained that you weren’t pulling your weight.
B: 우리끼리만 알고 있자. 난 그거 정말 지겹다고.
Let’s just keep between us. I’m really sick of it.
Let’s just keep between us. I’m really sick of it.
20.06.30.화 Let’s just keep it between us. 그냥 우리끼리 비밀로 하자. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 30th of June. July is just around the corner. Let me give you some summer study tips. Well, turn on your fan first..
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그는 최소한으로만 일하며 전혀 자기 몫을 안 하고 있어.
He is working at the least and not pulling his weight at all.
He is not pulling his weight at all, doing bear minimum.
** bear minimum 최소한으로만 as low as possible.
내 동료는 근무 중에 on the job 자기 몫을 안 하고 있고,
My co-worker is not pulling his weight on work.
My co-worker is not pulling his weight on the job.
상사는 눈치 채지 못한 것 같애.
and I don’t hink our boss notices.
and I don’t hink our supervisor notices.
그녀는 ( ) 보이고 싶어하지 않아.
She doesn’t want to look like someone
She doesn’t want to be seen as someone
(오늘 사무실에서 자기 몫을 안 하고 있는 사람처럼)
who is not pulling her weight in the office today.
who is not pulling her weight in the office today.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그는 자기 몫을 안 하고 있어요.
He’s not pulling his weight.
하는 시늉만 하고 있는 것 같애
It seems like he goes through the motions.
B: 당신은 조용히 해야 해.
You need to hold your tongue.
20.07.29.수 Don’t go through the motions. 하는 시늉만 하지 마.
Today is Wednesday, the 29th of July. How do you get over hump day? I’ve got to say go over everything you’ve learnt in the week. So, listen to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어, and learn posh accent with..
A: 많은 사람들이 너가 직장에서 너의 몫을 안한다고 불평했었어.
Many had complained that you weren’t pulling your weight at work.
B: 뭐~ 우리만 알고 있자. 난 이제 그게 지겨워지고 있어.
Well, let’s just keep it between us. I’m getting sick of it now.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 He is not pulling his weight. 그는 자기 몫을 안 하고 있어.
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