Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Tuesday the 16th of February.
There is thing to do on Tusday after an unproductive Monday.
Well, get up early, so the tone by getting up and enjoying a small slice of time for yourself before diving into the day's events.
Be the first person up in your house, early on the road and early in the office.
멋을 낸 친구에게?
** Fine feathers make find birds. 옷이 날개다**
** doll 인형; 인형처럼 예쁘게 치장하다
** doll sbd up
** get dolled up 치장하다; 멋부리다
A: 그녀는 기자회견을 위해 한껏 차려입었어.
She got all dolled up for the press conference.
She got all dolled up for the press conference.
B: 알아. 그녀는 청취자들과 오해를 풀기를 원해.
I know. She wants to clear misundestanding with listeners.
I know. She wants to clear the air with the listenes.
** air 분위기
** clear the air 분위기를 쇄신하다; 오해를 풀다;의혹을 해소하다
A: 당신 한껏 차려입었네. 데이트있어?
You got all dolled up. Are you going on a date?
You got all dolled up. Are you going on a date?
B: 우리 오늘 결혼 50년 이잖아.
It’s our 50th anniversary today.
It’s our golden wedding anniversary today.
** 25 년 silver wedding anniversary
** 60 년/ 75년 diamond wedding anniversary
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그들은 축제 때 한껏 차려 입었어.
They got all dolled up at the festival.
They got all dolled up on festival days.
난 춤추기 위해 한껏 차려입을 예정이야.
I’m planning to get all dolled up to dance.
I’m going to get all dolled up for the dance.
그녀는 항상 10대 소녀처럼 늘 한껏 차려 입어.
She always gets all dolled up like a teenager.
She always gets all dolled up like a teenage girl.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그녀는 파티를 위해 한껏 차려 입었어.
She got all dolled up for the party.
B: 알아. 그녀는 남편과 오해를 풀고 싶어해.
I know. She wants to clear the air with her husband.
A: 당신 한껏 차려입었네. 첫 데이트가 있어?
You got all dolled up. Are you going on a date for the first time?
B: 세상에나, 여보야, 우리 오늘 결혼 25주년이잖아.
Oh no, it’s our silver wedding anniversary today.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 She got all dolled up. 그녀는 한껏 차려 입었어.
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