Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Thursday, the 18th of February.
Now listeners! Why don’t you sit up staight? Feeling up right and tall can brighten your mood and boost confidence. one expert suggests that striking in power posing can make feel more in control and energized, which can make your day feel a lot more positive and productive overall.

** easy 쉬운; 조심해서
** easy does it 조심해서 그것을 해라 => 살살해 calm down, be careful.
A: 살살해. 우린 너가 다치는 걸 원치 않아.,
Easy does it. We don’t want you to get hurt.
Easy does it. We don’t want you to get hurt.
B: 그건 질투같은데요.
I think it’s kind of jealous.
I think it’s sour grapes.
** sour grapes 신포도 => 심술부리다; 질투하다
** 유래: 높은 데 달린 포도를 여우가 따 먹을 수가 없어서, 신맛 나는 포도라서 먹지 않아라는 오기와 질투를 부리는 이솝 우화의 표현
A: 이제 이 무당벌레 내려놔도 될까요?
Can I put this ladybug down?
Can I put this ladybird down?
B: 이건 다치기 쉬우니깐, 조심하세요.
It’s easy to get hurt. So, easy does it.
it’s fragile. So, easy does it.
** fragile 다치기 쉬운 easily damaged.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
천천히 해.
Easy does it.
Easy does it.
그것에 대해 당장은 걱정할 필요 없어.
No need to worry about it for now.
There is no need to worry about it right now.
천천히 해.
Easy does it.
Easy does it.
우리는 우리가 하는 것에 대해 서두를 필요 없어.
We don’t need to hurry about what we do.
We don’t have to hurry about what we do.
Easy does it.
Easy does it.
그 안에 폭탄이 있고
There is a bomb in it,
There are bombs in there,
그게 비활성화 상태인지는 확실치 않아.
and it’s unclear whether they are deactivated.
and I’m not sure if they are deactivated.
[Speak like a Brit]
A: 살살 해. 우린 너가 늙길 원치 않아.
Easy does it. We don't want you to get older.
B: 그건 그냥 질투같은 거야.
I think it's just sour grapes.
A: 탁자 위에 이 무당벌레 내려놔도 될까요?
Can I put the ladybird on the table?
B: 그건 연약하니깐 조심하세요.
It's delicate, so easy does it.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Easy does it. 살살 해.
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