Today is Monday, the 21st of June.
There are some proven benefits of thinking positively; includes better quality of life, high energy levels, and better psychological and physical health.
*subject 학과;과목;주제;화제
change the subject (의도적으로) 화제를 바꾸다
-> 말을 돌리다
Don't change the subject 말 돌리지 마
A: 그나저나 anyhow 긴장해서 속이 울렁거리네
Anyway, my stomach is bloated to get nervous.
Anyhow, my stomach is in knots
과도한 긴장으로 뱃속이 꼬인 듯 하다
-> 긴장해서 속이 울렁거려
-> I've got a butterfly in my stomach. B: 야 말 돌리지 마, 이 문자 누가 보낸거야?
Don't change the subject. Who sent you this text?
Don't change the subject. Who sent you this text? A: 그는 추가질문을 피하기 위해 화제를 돌렸어
He changed the subject to avoid an additional question.
He changed the subject to avoid further questions.
B: 그가 그 학생을 피하는 건 당연해 it's no wonder
It's normal for him to avoide the student.
It's no wonder he avoids that student. [Step by Step]
지금 말 돌리지 마. 나 너가 뭐하는지 알아.
Don't change the subject now. I know what you are doing.
Don't change the subject now. I know what you are doing. 그건 내 질문이 아니니깐, 제발 말 돌리지마.
That's not my question. So, please don't change the subject
That's not my question. So, please don't change the subject
나에게 다른 직업을 제안하면서, 말 돌리려고 하는 거야?
Are you changing the subject while offering me another job?
Are you trying to change the subject by offering me another job? 이 것에 대한 긴 토론을 피하려고 지금 막 화제를 돌린거야?
Did you just now change the subject to avoid discussing this at length?
Did you just change the subject to avoid getting into a long discussion about this? [Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그나저나 갑자기 긴장해서 속이 울렁거리네
Anyhow, suddenly, my stomach is in knots.
B: 말 돌리지 마. 이 소포 누가 보낸거야
Don't change the subject. Who sent you this parcel? A: 그는 어려운 질문을 피하려고 화제를 돌렸어
He changed the subject to avoid answering a difficult question.
B: 그가 그 똑똑한 학생을 피하는 건 당연해
It's no wonder he avoids that smart student.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국영어 Don't change the subject. 말 돌리지 마.
'2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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21.06.22.화 I’m a glass-half-full person. 저는 낙관적인 사람이에요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.06.22 |
21.06.18.금 It vanished into thin air. 그게 감쪽같이 사라졌어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 (0) | 2022.06.18 |
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