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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.06.23.수 That's awesomesauce! 아주 훌륭해! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 6. 23.

Today is Wednesday, the 23rd of June.
Well, don't be in such a hurry to move up the level.
You needn't hurry up.
Concentrate on the level you are at now.
Enjoy what you are doing and keep fighting from what you want.
And then someday, you achieve the goals you wanted.
Looking forward to it.

awesomesauce 아주 훌륭한
직역: 좋은 소스
의역: 아주 훌륭한;매우 좋은;완전 대박인
(좋음의 단계를 최상급으로 표현)

A: 아주 훌륭해요! 누가 너한테 그 요리법을 알려줬어?
That's awesomesauce! Who taught you the recipe?
That's awesomesauce! Who told you the recipe?
B: 미안한데. 말해줄 수 없어. 그냥 누가 알려줬어.
I'm sorry but I can't tell you. Just someone told me.
I'm sorry but I can't tell you. A little bird told me.
* A little bird told me.
정보의 소스를 숨기고 싶을 때, 대충 둘러대는 말

A: 엄마, 나 A 레벨에서 최고 점수를 받았어요
Mom, I got the highest score at A level.
Mom, I got top grade at A level.
B: 아주 훌륭해. 이제 선행학습을 해야할 때야.
That's awesomesauce.
That's awesomesauce.
이제 선행학습 lessons in advance을 해야할 때야.
Now is the time for heads-up learning.
Now is the time to prepare for lessons in advance.

[Step by Step]
내 생각에 그건 아주 훌륭해. 더 먹어도 돼?
I think that's awesomesauce. Can I eat more?
I think that's awesomesauce. Can I have more?

제 생일날 아내가 미역을 끓여줬기 때문에 제 아내는 훌륭하다고 말할 수 있습니다.
I can say my wife is awesomesauce because she cooked a seaweed soup on my birthday.
I can say my wife is awesomesauce because she served me 미역국 on my birthday.

이 매운 가지 aubergine 튀김은 완전 대박이야.
This spicy fried eggplant is awesomesauce.
This spicy fried aubergine is awesomesauce.
나 지금 할말을 잃었어
I lost my words.
I'm speechless
(너무 놀라서 말이 안 나옴; 화날때, 놀랄 때)

여기서 멀지 않은 not far from here 곳에 훌륭한 가래떡을 만드는 떡집이 있어
There is a rice cake shop, making awesomesauce 가래떡, not so far away from here.
There is a rick cake shop not far from here that makes awesomesauce 가래떡

[Speak like a Brit]
A: 정말로 indeed 아주 훌륭해! 누가 너한테 그 사실을 알려줬어?
That's awesomesauce, indeed! Who told you the truth?
B: 미안한데 비밀이야. 누가 알려줬어.
I'm sorry but it's confidential. A little bird told me.

A: 엄마, 나 고등학교에서 최고 점수를 받았어요.
Mom, I got top grade in high school
B: 아주 훌륭해.
That's awesomesauce.
이제 A 레벨을 준비할 때야.
Now is the time to prepare for A level.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 That's awesomesauce! 아주 훌륭해!

