Today is Thursday, the 24th of June.
Well, Here are some tips for finding ways to have fun while studying.
First, listen to good shows.
Second, try roleplay and turn it into a game with others.
돈 낭비하지마 (돈은 그냥 생기는게 아님)
직역: 돈은 나무에서 자라지 않는다
의역: 땅을 아무리 파봐도 돈이 안 나온다
A: 아빠, 전자렌지에서 지워지는 재사용가능한 스마트 공책을 사고 싶어요
Dad, I want to buy a smart notebook that is reusable by wiping out with a microwave
Daddy, I'd like to buy this reusable notebook that clears in the microwave
B: 돈 낭비 하지마, 하지만 생각은 해볼께
Money doesn't grow on trees, but I'll consider it.
Money doesn't grow on trees, but I'll think about it.
A: 엄마, 오늘 크리스마스 날인데, 여기 있는 거 다 사줘~
Mom, it's Christmas, today. Please buy me all the toys here
Mom, today is Christmas Day. Please buy me everything here
B: 돈 낭비 하지마, 너의 장난감은 사방에 널려 있잖아.
Well, Money doesn't grow on trees. Your toys are everywhere.
Well, Money doesn't grow on trees. Your toys all over the place.
* all over the place 곳곳에 펼쳐져있다;사방에;온통;도처에
[Step by Step]
내 생각에는 돈 낭비하지 말아야 해. 명심해
I reckon money doesn't grow on trees. Keep it in mind.
I reckon money doesn't grow on trees. Keep that in mind.
비슷한 거 또 산다고? 또 돈 낭비하지마.
Are you going to buy the similar one? Again, money doesn't grow on trees
You're buying something similar again? Money doesn't grow on trees.
돈을 버린다고?
Are you throwing away money?
Throwing money away?
돈이 그냥 생기는 줄 알아?
Do you think money doesn't grow on trees?
Do you think money doesn't grow on trees?
왜 갑자기 돈을 버려?
Why are you suddenly throwing money away?
Why are you throwing money away all of a sudden?
돈이 그냥 생기는 줄 알지?
Do you think money doesn't grow on trees?
Do you think money doesn't grow on trees?
돈은 정말 그냥 생기는 것이 아니야
Money is not like something that doesn't grow on trees.
Money really doesn't grow on trees.
돈이 정말 그냥 생기는 것이 아니란 걸 깨닫는 건 매우 중요해
It's essential to realize that money really doesn't grow on trees.
It's _________ to realise that money really doesn't grow on trees.
[Speak like a Brit]
A: 아빠 돈이 있으시다면, 전자렌지에서 지워지는 재사용가능한 스마트공책을 사고 싶어요.
Daddy, if you got money, I'd like to buy this reusable smart notebook that clears in the microwave.
B: 돈 낭비하지마. 하지만 고려해볼께.
Money doesn't grow on trees but I'll consider it.
A: 엄마 오늘은 내 생일이야. 여기 있는 거 다 사줘~
Mom, today is my birthday. Buy me everything here.
B: 흠~ 돈 낭비하지마, 넌 장난감 많이 있잖아
Well, money doesn't grow on trees. You have got a lot of toys.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Money doesn't grow on trees. 돈 낭비하지 마.
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