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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.06.25.금 You’ll get into the swing of things. 익숙해질거야. 권주현의 진짜 영국영어

by Namaskara 2022. 6. 25.

Today is Friday, the 25th of June.
We celebrate the 71st anniversay of Korean War today here in Korea.
Let’s think about the Korean War battles and sacrifices, and its meaning.
And we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do today.
Let’s read and shout out today’s lovely expression.

** get into 안으로 들어가다
** the swing of things 일들의 그네
** 직역: 일들의 그네 안으로 들어가다
** 의역: 그네를 타다->충분히 익숙해지다->능숙해지다

A: 여기 모든 게 뒤죽박죽 난장판이야. 당신 자켓 못 찾겠어
Everything is messed up here.
Everything is at sixes and sevens here.
당신 자켓 못 찾겠어
I can’t find your jacket.
I can’t find your jacket.
B: 조금 혼란스럽긴 한데, 익숙해질거야
It’s a bit chaotic, but you’ll get into the swing of things
It’s a little confusing, but you’ll get into the swing of things.

** at sixes and sevens 뒤죽박죽 난장판 **
=> 앞에 구슬이 여러개 놓여있는데, 다섯개는 넘어보이지만, 8개는 안되어보여서 6개인지? 7개인지? 헷갈려 혼란스러운 상황에서 유래된 표현

A: 걱정 안해도 돼. 넌 곧 익숙해질거야
You needn’t worry. You’ll get into the swing of things soon.
You needn’t worry. You’ll get into the swing of things soon.
B: 너무 떨려.
I’m so nervous.
I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.
먹는 걸 멈출 수 없어
I can’t stop eating.
I can’t stop eating.

21.06.25.금 You’ll get into the swing of things. 익숙해질거야. 권주현의 진짜 영국영어

Today is Friday, the 25th of June. We celebrate the 71st anniversay of Korean War today here in Korea. Let’s think about the Korean War battles and sacrifices, and its meaning. And we’ve got to do..


[Step by Step]
너가 문제 없이 익숙해질거라는 거 확실해
I’m sure that you’ll get into the swing of things without any problem.
I’m sure that you’ll get into the swing of things without a problem.

편하게 앉아서 sit back 긴장을 풀고 익숙해지도록 노력해봐
Have a seat and relax, and try to get into the swing of things
Sit back and relax, and try to get into the swing of things.

보다 시피 나는 익숙해지기 시작했어
I began getting into the swing of things as you see.
I’m starting to get into the swing of things as you can see.

그것에 익숙해지면,
Once you get into the swing of things,
Once you get into the swing of it,
넌 정말 그걸 즐기게 될거야
you’ll really enjoy it.
you’ll really enjoy it.
내가 장담해/약속해
I am definitely sure.
I bet.

[Speak like a Brit]
A: 나 지금 너무 헷깔려. 당신 쟈켓 너무 찾겠어
I’m at sixes and sevens now. I can’t find your jacket.
B: 조금 복잡하긴 한데, 익숙해질거야
It’s a bit complicated but you’ll get into the swing of things.

A: 전혀 걱정 안해도 돼.
You needn’t worry at all.
곧 익숙해질거야
You’ll get into the swing of things soon.
B: 근데 나 너무 떨리는 것같애.
But I think I’ve got butterflies in my stomach
먹는 걸 멈출 수 없어
I can’t stop eating.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국영어 You’ll get into the swing of things. 익숙해질거야.

