Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of August.
I’d like to ask you a question.
How can you develop a success oriented mindset?
Let me tell you this.
Put yourself in challenging new situations.
When you feel to put yourself in challenging new situations,
you’ll be able to grow.
직역: 너는 태울 돈을 가지고 있다
->불을 태워도 충분할 만큼 돈이 많다
->돈이 아주 많다; 남아 돌다
A: 넌 돈이 남아돌지.
You’ve got money to burn.
You’ve got money to burn.
이건 내가 원했던 게 아니야
This is not what I wanted
This is not what I wanted.
B: 넌 정말 호감가는 사람 a good catch이야
You’re really my type.
You’re such a good catch.
그냥 내가 원하는대로 하게 해줘
Just let me do as I want
Just let me do what I want.
A: 그녀의 직업이 뭔지는 모르겠는데
I don’t know what she does
I don’t know what her job is
그녀는 돈이 남아도는 것 같아요
but she seems to have got money to burn
but she seems to have money to burn.
B: 알아요.
I know
I know
몇일 전에 이쑤시개 toothpick를 사는데 10파운드 이상을 썼어요
A couple of days ago, she spent more than 10 pounds buying 이쑤시개.
The other day, she spent more than 10 pounds on buying toothpicks.
[Step by Step]
사실, 그녀는 여전히 돈이 남아돌았어
In fact, she still have got money to burn.
In fact, she still had money to burn.
넌 돈이 남아돈다는 거 아는데,
I know you’ve got money to burn
I understand you’ve got money to burn
너의 미래를 생각해봐.
but think about your future.
but think about your future.
그들은 확실히 결혼식에 쓸 돈이 아주 많은 것 같애It seems that they have absolutely got money to burn for a wedding ceremony.
They certainly seem to have money to burn for their wedding.
너가 돈이 남아돌지 않는 한, 주식에 투자하려고 하지마
Don’t try to invest in stocks unless you’ve got money to burn.
Unless you’ve got money to burn, don’t try to invest in stocks.
너가 돈이 남아돌고, 너의 아버지가 너희 마을에 가장 부자가 아닌 한
Unless you’ve got money to burn and your father is the richest in your town
Unless you’ve got money to burn and your father is _________ in town
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 넌 돈이 남아돌지.
You’ve got money to burn.
이건 내가 기대했던 게 아니야
This is not what I expected
B: 넌 정말 호감가는 사람이야
You’re such a good catch
A: 그녀의 이름이 뭔지는 모르겠지만
I don’t know what her name is
그녀는 돈이 남아도는 것 같아요
but she seems to have money to burn.
B: 맞아요
몇일 전에 그녀는 이쑤시개를 사는데, 10파운드 이상을 썼어요
The other day, she spent more than 10 pounds on buying toothpicks.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You’ve got money to burn. 넌 돈이 남아돌지.