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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.08.05.목 Please try not to get in the way. 방해하지는 말아줘. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 8. 5.

Today is Thursday, the 5th of August.
Learning a new thing can be scary sometimes.
But it can enhance your quality of life and you can gain confidence.
When you succeed learning something, you feel better and more confident, right?

* get in the way 방해하다
* get in the way of [something]을 방해하다

A: 엄마 들어오셔도 되는데
Mum, you can come in
Mum, you can come in
방해하지는 말아주세요
but please try not to get in the way.
but please try not to get in the way.
B: 약속할게! 힘내 아들아!
I’ll give you my word. Cheers. my boy.
I’ll give you my word. Chin up. my son.

A: 힘들면 이걸 봐
If you are tired, look at this.
If you’re having a hard time, then watch this.
B: 고마운데, 방해하지는 말아줘
Thanks, but please try not to get in the way.
Thanks, but pelase try not to get in the way.

[Step by Step]
방해 안 할테니 제가 관찰해 observe도 될까요?
I won’t get in the way, but can I investigate ?
I won’t get in the way, would you let me observe?
*observe; watch carefully

아무것도 그가 자신의 논문을 끝내려는 계획을 방해하지 못 할 거야
Nothing will get in the way of his plan that tries to finish his thesis.
Nothing will get in the way of his plans to finish his dissertation.

** dissertation 논문 a long piece of writing on a particular subject.

너가 일 때문에 온 건 이해하지만
I understand you are here for work,
I understand that you are here for work,
내 훈련을 방해하지는 말아줘
but please try not to get in the way of my training
but try not to get in the way of my training

그것에 맞서 싸우고 있는 다른 사람을 그저 방해하지는 말아줘
Just simply try not to get in the way of others who are fighting against it.
Just try not to get in the way of other people who are fighting ________.

[Speak Like A Brit]
A: 엄마 제 사무실에 오셔도 되는데,
Mum, you can visit my office,
방해하지는 말아주세요
but try not to get in the way.
B: 약속할게. 힘내 아들아
I’ll give you my word. Keep chin up, my son.


20.10.09.금 I give you my word. 약속할게. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 9th of October. Today is 한글날 or 한글 day. A day set aside to celebrate Korean alphabet, knows as 한글. By inventing 한글 and m..


A: 힘들면 이걸 들어봐
If you’re having a hard time, then listen to this.
B: 매우 고마운데, 방해하지는 말아줘
Many thanks, but try not to get in the way.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학원 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Please try not to get in the way. 방해하지는 말아줘.

