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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.08.06.금 Speak for yourself. 그건 네 생각이지. 너나 그렇지. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 8. 6.

Today is Friday, the 6th of August.
Saturday is the just around the corner. I used to say this on every Friday, Thursday, and even on Mondays.
Relax and get ready to enjoy your weekend.
But before that, let’s study hard to fully enjoy our free time.

직역: 너 자신을 위해 말해라.
-> 나까지 같이 묶지 말고 너의 이야기만 해라
의역: 그건 너의 생각이지;너나 그렇지
상황: 내 생각도 같을 거라는 기대를 가지고 말하는 상대방의 의견에 반박할 때

A: 난 세계로 여행을 하기로 마음 먹었어.
I made up my mind to travel all over the world.
I made up my mind to travel around the world.
함께 삶을 즐기자고
Let’s enjoy our life together.
Let’s enjoy our life together.
B: 그건 당신이지, 난 집에 있고 싶어
Speak for yourself but I want to stay home
Speak for yourself. I want to stay home.

20.05.19.화 I made up my mind to~. ~하기로 마음먹었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 19th of May. Today is Invention Day in Korea that honors passed winners of the award and highlights their achievements and inven..


A: 아무도 내 김밥을 원하지 않아.
Nobody wants my 김밥
No one wants my 김밥
엄청 실망스러워
It’s quite disappointing
I’m immensely disappointed.
B: 그건 너의 생각이지.
Speak for yourself.
Speak for yourself.
너의 음식을 좋아하는 사람이 있을거야
There will be someone who likes your food.
There will be people who like your food.

[Step by Step]
너나 그렇지. 사실 나는 상관없어
Speak for yourself. In fact, I don’t care
Speak for yourself. In fact, I don’t care

우리는 정말 끔찍한 여행을 했어
We had a badly terrible trip.
We had a really terrible trip.
너나 그렇지. 나는 즐거운 시간을 보냈어
Speak for yourself. I spent a joyous time.
Speak for yourself. I had a wonderful time.

그건 네 생각이지. 난 동물 잘 그리지만 사람은 못 그려
Speak for yourself. I’m good at drawing animals but not people
Speak for yourself. I’m good at drawing animlas but I can’t draw people.

우리는 경기를 전혀 잘하지 못했어
We didn’t play the game well at all.
We didn’t play very well at all
그건 너의 생각이고 난 우리가 잘했다고 생각해
Speak for yourself. I think we did well.
Speak for yourself. I think we _____ ___

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 난 당신과 함께 여행하기로 맘 먹었어
I made up my mind to travel with you
함께 삶을 즐기자고
Let’s enjoy our life together.
B: 그건 당신생각이지, 난 그냥 여기 있고 싶어요
Speak for yourself. I just want to stay here.

A: 아무도 내 김밥을 다시 원하지 않아
No one wants my 김밥 again
엄청 실망스러워
I’m immensely disappointed,.
B: 그건 너의 생각이야
Speak for yourself.
너의 음식을 좋아하는 사람이 있을거라고 나는 장담해 guarantee
I guarantee that there will be people who like your food.

