Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Tuesday the 19th of May.
Today is Invention Day in Korea that honors passed winners of the award and highlights their achievements and inventions.
Loads of things invented to make life easy.
Radio. Radio became one of the tools to learn English; perfect way to master your English, isn’t it?
Just learn posh accent with me and read out.
권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 monthly textbook is on the market.

** make up 화장하다;만들다
** 직역: 나는 ~하기 위해 내 마음을 만들었다. => 정했다
** 의역: 나는 ~하기로 마음 먹었어.
A: 건강한 도시락을 만들기로 마음먹었단다.
I made up my mind to make a healthy lunch box.
I made up my mind to make a healthy packed lunch.
B: 안 그러셔도 되는데요
You needn’t do that.
You don’t need to do that. ** 도시락 ** packed lunch (영) ** bag lunch (미)**
A: 옥스포드나 캠브리지에 안 가는 거 확실하니?
Are you sure you are not going to Oxford or Cambridge?
Are you sure you are not going to Oxford or Cambridge?
B: ( ) 여기서 일하기로 마음먹었어요
I made up my mind to work here
I made up my mind to work here
(저는 도전적이고 성취감을 주는 일을 찾았기 때문에)
because I found a job that is challenging and gives me a sense of achievement.
because I found work that is challenging and fulfilling.
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
내가 발레를 공부하기로 결심했을 때
When I made up my mind to study ballet
When I made up my mind to study ballet
내 부모님은 러시아로 가고 싶다는 내 소망(의지)를 지지해주셨어.
my parents supported my will to go to Russia.
my parents supported my wish to go to Russia.
어려웠음에도 불구하고,
Although it was tough,
Even though it was hard,
담배를 끊기로 마음 먹었어.
I made up my mind to quit smoking.
I made up my mind to stop smoking. 난 엄청 좌절했기 때문에,Because I was way frustrated,
I was so frustrated, so
내 인생에서 뭔가 의미있는 일을 하기로 마음먹었어.
I made up my mind to do something meaningful in my life.
I made up my mind to do something meaningful with my life.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 건강한 샌드위치를 만들기로 마음먹었어요.
I made up my mind to make a healthy sandwich.
B: 정말 안 그러셔도 되는데요.
You don’t really need to do that. A: 너 런던에 안가는 거 확실하니?
Are you sure you’re not going to London?
B: 흥미있고 보람있는 일을 찾았기 때문에 여기서 일하기로 마음 먹었지.
I made up my mind to work here because I found work that is was interesting and rewarding.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I made up my mind to~. ~하기로 마음먹었어.
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