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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.08.09.월 Get your act together! 정신차려; 똑바로 해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 8. 9.

Today is Monday, the 9th of August.
Well, when you are learning a language, please over emphasize.
For instance, use these words. ‘for the rest of my life’, ‘I’m dying for’, ‘you’re rocking’

직역: 너의 행동을 함께 가져라
-> 마음이 흐트러져 있는 사람에게 정신차리고 마음과 행동을 함께 가져라
의역: 정신차려; 똑바로 해

A: 난 정말 그에게 의지했어.
I really doted upon him.
I really leaned on him.
아직도 매일 그가 생각나
I still think of him everyday.
I still think about him everyday.
B: 친구야 정신차려. 그건 오래전 이잖아.
Mate, get your act together. That was long ago.
Mate, get your act togother. That was a long time ago.

20.03.18.수 I really leaned on her. 나 정말 그녀에게 의지했어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Wednesday the 18th of March. Happy hump day! everybody. It’s the middle of the work a week. So, stay healthy and don’t forget tu..


A: 정말 실망이야. I’m gutted.
It’s really disappointing.
I’m gutted
넌 그 아이는 도왔지만, 날 도와주진 않았어
You helped the kid, but not for me.
You helped that kid, but you didn’t help me.
B: 정신차려. 넌 이미 성인이잖아.
Get your act together. You’re already an adult.
Get your act together. You’re already an adult.

20.06.05.금 I'm gutted. 정말 실망이야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 5th of June. I’ll give you some tips to make you most of your weekend. Make plans. Of course, ### some new time. Try t..


[Step by Step]
먼저 제발 정신차려
First, please get your act together.
First of all, please get your act together.

왜 그런지 모르겠지만 somehow,
I don’t know why but
나는 40대에 정신차렸고 열심히 일했어
I got my act together in my 40s and worked hard.
I got my act together in my 40s and worked hard.

그녀는 너무 체계적이지 못해
She is not organized at all.
She is so disorganised.
그녀가 정신 좀 차렸으면 좋겠어
I wish she got her act together.
I wish she would get her act together.

넌 정신 차리는 게 좋을 거야
You’d better get your act together
You’d better get your act together.
올해 임금인상을 원했다면,
If you wanted a raise this year,
If you ________________ this year.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 나 정말 그에게 의지했어
I really leaned on him.
아직도 매년 이맘 때 쯤 그가 생각나
I still think about him every year around this time.
B: 친구야. 정신차려. 그거 정말 오래 전 일이잖아.

Mate, get your act together. That was really a long time ago.

A: 정말 실망이야. 넌 그 사람은 도왔지만, 날 도와주진 않았어
I’m gutted. You helped that person but you didn’t help me.
B: 정신 차려. 넌 이미 독립된 성인이잖아.
Get your act together. You’re already an independent adult.

