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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.08.11.수 I’m chuffed to bits. 난 너무너무 기뻐. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 8. 11.

Today is Wednesday, the 11th of August.
Everybody! Practice listening and speaking by concentrating on what’s been said, taking notes in your own words.
I’m sure you can do that.

chuffed 너무 기쁜 delighted; quite pleased.
dead chuffed 진짜 넘 기뻐요
to bits 대단히
상황: 기쁜 기분을 강조할 때

A: 난 헤어 스타일을 바꿀거야
I’m going to change my hair style.
I’m going to change my hair style.
B: 너무너무 기쁘군
I’m chuffed to bits,
I’m chuffed to bits.
난 자네가 틀에 박혔다고 생각했지.
I thought you are a kind of stereo-typed
I thought you are stuck in a rut.

A: 완전히 뜻밖의 일이었지만, 난 이겨서 기뻐
It was completely unexpected but I’m chuffed to win the match.
It was a complete surprise but I’m chuffed to have won.
B: 잘 했어. 넌 최고야
Good job. You’re second to none.
Good for you. You’re second to none.
Good for you 잘했어(칭찬)
It’s good for you 그것은 건강에 좋다

[Step by Step]
너 덕분에 난 오늘 너무너무 기뻐
Thanks to you, I’m chuffed to bits today.
Thanks to you, I’m chuffed to bits today.

그녀는 그의 선물에 정말 너무 기뻐했어
She was really chuffed to a gift from him
She was really chuffed with his present.

그녀는 수년간의 연구와 실험 끝에 졸업하는 것을 너무 기뻐해
She is chuffed to graduation after years of research and experiments.
She is chuffed to be graduating after years of studies and experiments.

우리가 그 바이러스에 대한 백신을 개발해서 난 너무 기뻐 죽겠어
I’m dead chuffed that we invented vaccines against the virus.
I’m dead chuffed that we’ve developed a vaccine ___ ____ ___.

[Speak Like A Brit]
A: 난 머리색을 바꿀거야
I’m going to change my hair colour.
B: 너무너무 기쁘구나
I’m chuffed to bits.
너가 틀에 박혀있다고 말했잖아
You said you’re stuck in a rut.

10.10.05.월 You’re stuck in a rut. 너는 틀에 갇혀 있어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Monday the 5th of October. Some experts have shown how to start your week off on the right foot. No one seems to enjoy the first day of week..


A: 완전히 뜻밖의 일이었지만, 난 이겨서 너무 기뻐.
It was a total surprise, I’m chuffed to have won.
B: 잘했어. 넌 확실히 최고야
Good for you. You’re definitely second to none.

20.06.23.화 You are second to none! 너는 최고야! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 23rd of June. What should we do on Tuesday after a terrible Monday? Get up early and do someting productive. Achieving a small,..


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